Chapter Twenty-Three

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"I love Paris" I sighed flopping onto the bed of the hotel

"And I love you, Ms. Horan" He kissed me

I have been Ms. Horan for about 8 hours now

Niall and I got married in Paris since he and the boys were there doing a show

"I can't believe we're married" I smiled

"I can't believe I'm lucky enough to marry you" He kissed me again

"Lets go out!" I exclaimed

"Where to?"

"The Eiffel Tower of course!" I smiled

"Let's go ma'lady" He said in a.. I don't even know what accent that was

I laughed and held his hand

We finally got to the top and I took a deep breath at the sight

"Beautiful" I breathed

"Like*You*" He said kissing my lips with each word

"You're making me blush" I smiled

"Let's take a picture!" Niall exclaimed

He pulled out his iPhone and took a picture of us

He tweeted it with the caption

Mr and Mrs Horan <3

"I love you" I kissed him

"To the end of the universe and back" He whispered before kissing me again

*3 Months Later*

"Niall!" I shouted

"What's wrong" He came running into the bathroom breathless

I showed his the positive sign on the test

He picked me up and spun me around

"We're gonna have a baby!" He shouted

*9 Months Later*

"It's a boy!" The nurse shouted and everyone cheered

The nurse set my baby in my arms

I felt tears slide down my cheeks

This is the beautiful creature Niall and I made together

He had a mixture of my blonde hair and Niall's natural chestnut hair with bright blue eyes

"You okay sweetie?" Niall asked, stroking my hair

"Yup, just tired" I said breathless from the screaming and pushing

"Rest up, we'll decide a name later" Niall kissed my head

I nodded slowly before closing my eyes

When I awoke, I got to hold my baby for the second time

I gave him light kisses and told him how much I loved him, even though it was probably just mumbles to him

I watched as Niall rocked our baby to sleep

He was an amazing father

Once the baby was asleep, Niall asked me what we should name him

We settled on Ryan Tyler Horan

*Two years later*

"Can I hold her momma?" Ryan begged

"Let me in the house first" I smiled

We're just bringing home our new daughter, Annabelle Clara Horan

Ryan is two now and definitely has his father's appetite

He's sweet and kind, very gentle, again like his father

"Should I invite the lads over?" Niall asked

"Sure" I smiled as I put Annabelle on the couch

We couldn't have everyone come because otherwise, there wouldn't be enough room in my hospital room, only mine and Niall's close family was there

The guys came over in no time

Harry brought his wife Lizzie, yes my best friends got married!

Louis brought Eleanor, his wife, along with their two year old son Chase

Zayn brought his girlfriend Sydney

And Liam brought Michelle, his fiancee

"Can I hold her?" Eleanor asked

"Sure El" I smiled

We all sat in the living room together

"Are you guys going to have more kids?" Lizzie asked

"Only time will tell" I smiled at Niall

*Twenty Years Later*

Ryan is 22, Annabelle is 20, and Sarah is 19

Ryan is a big time director, Annabelle is following in her father's footsteps and is on the X Factor, and Sarah is finishing up college

One Direction 'ended' awhile ago, a little after Annabelle was born

The guys couldn't stand being so far from their kids

Niall has a few singles here and there and it makes a lot of money

We're all still very close even though we don't see each other as often

But I'm happy now

"I love you" Niall looked away from the TV and at me

"I love you"

"To the end of the universe and back"


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