Chapter Nineteen

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Niall got my luggage he found just outside the Nandos, oops, guess the taxi driver just tossed it there when I forgot it

Niall brought it in to his house, or his friend's house

He let him stay with him since he didn't know if it was going to be permanent

I sat on the couch, which was very comfy

"So, you're coming back to Canada?" I asked as he plopped back onto the couch

"I don't even think the lads will want me back in the band" He sighed looking down

I hugged him

"We all want you home Niall" I whispered

"Anywhere with you is my home" He smiled

I gave him a light kiss on the lips

"I love you" I murmured

"I love you more" He kissed me again

"When do you want to go back?"

"As soon as possible" He smiled

"Well lets go look at flights!" I exclaimed happily as I got up

"Um, wheres the computer?" I asked

"C'mon, I'll show you babe" He laughed, taking my hand in his

He led me to his room in the house and I flopped into the chair in front of the desk

We searched for hours and found the best flight was tomorrow morning at 10 AM

"I can't wait to go home" Niall sighed

"I can't wait to have you home" I smiled

I yawned and looked at the time

11:02 PM

"Wow time sure flies by quickly" I yawned again

"Lets go to bed princess" Niall smiled at me

"Okay" I grinned

He picked me up and flopped me onto the bed

I snuggled up to his chest as he held me

"I missed you" I told him

"I missed you more"

The next morning at 7 AM

"Nialler, get up" I said nudging him on the head

"Mummm" He groaned

"I'm not your mum" I said mimicking his Irish accent

He opened his eyes all the way and laughed

"Now get dressed fool" I giggled throwing a pair of jeans and a grey t shirt at him

"Alright mommy" He said without his Irish accent

I rolled my eyes playfully and walked out of the room

I had gotten pretty much everything ready, Niall's stuff was all packed since he left most of it in Canada, and I already had most of my stuff stowed away in my luggage

I made arrangments for my mom to pick us up from the airport, so everything was sorted out

"Ready babe?" Niall asked with his minty fresh breath

"Yup, lets go" I smiled giving him a kiss on the lips

Just a peck

"Thanks for letting me stay here mate" Niall said to his friend, Brad

Last Goodbyes (I warn you, Niall is in it) :)Where stories live. Discover now