Chapter Eighteen

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"Hey" Noah smiled as I climbed into his car

The car was warm and smelled sweet, like pumpkin pie, but even that couldn't make me smile

"Hey" I murmured as I took a look at Niall through the glass windows of the diner

I watched through teary eyes as he reached for her arm and moved his lips

I couldn't read his lips very well

She jerk it from him and buried her face into her hands as she turned her back to him

He moved his lips quickly and she turned around and slapped him on the cheek

He rubbed his face and pushed her aside, obviously mad

Even though I couldn't hear what they were saying, I knew she was shouting his name, probably regretting what she had just done

He ignored her and ran out of the restaurant

"Claire! Claire!" I heard Niall shout

I looked at Noah for help. I didn't know if I should go or not

He nodded, signalling me to go talk to Niall

I slowly got out of the car and Niall ran to me

He caressed me in his arms tightly

I fit in his arms perfectly, like he was my missing piece

He smelled like Peri Peri chicken too

"I'm so sorry, please forgive me?" He begged as he rubbed my back

I opened my mouth as I pulled away but hesitated with my words

He said that I was nothing.. Maybe he meant it. Maybe he doesn't love me. Maybe he just wants me to make that girl jealous.. But that doesn't sound like Niall

"Niall, I don't kno-"

"Let me explain" Niall urged

"Okay you have a minute" I said, slowly crossing my arms, it felt weird not being embraced in a warm hug

He took a deep breath

"When I first started working here, my boss said that Annie liked me a lot and that he knew my 'secret' of being Niall Horan. I don't know how he knew but he said he would tell the paps and everyone that I was here, and I did not want that. So he forced me into dating Annie and what I said back there about you was an impulse! You mean the world to me. You're my everything" He said as he wrapped his arms around my waist

I remained silent, just staring at him

Studying his emotion

I was looking for something, anything that would tell me he's lying

A twitchy eye, a bead of sweat, but alas, he had neither of those

"I love you" He whispered, breaking the silence

"I always loved you Niall" I smiled, looking into his big blue eyes

Niall looked back into mine but they flickered to the car

"Who's that?" He asked pointing to Noah who had waved goodbye and driven away

"That's Noah, Ed Sheeran's manager, I met him on the plane here" I told him

"Oh yeah, I remember him, wait- How long have you've been in Ireland for?"

"Since this afternoon" I laughed and rocked side to side still in the grasp of his arms

"I missed you, a lot" Niall blushed as he looked at the ground

I ran my hand through his brunette hair, with my eyes locked on his hair

"Ahaha, what is it?" He smiled

"I'm not used to you being brunette again. It reminds me of when we were kids and you went blonde, it took me a year to get used to it" I laughed

Niall laughed his loud but beautiful laugh and buried his face in my hair as he hugged me tightly

"I'm probably gonna go back to doing the blonde" He said pulling away

"How come?" I asked

"I look too much like my brother"

We both burst out laughing

"It was good to have Niall back in my life" I thought to myself

"There he is daddy!" Annie called out, pointing to Niall

Niall pulled away and stiffened

A big, tall and round, man stepped towards Niall and I

"Well, James, seems like you've broken our little deal" Annie's dad glared at Niall

Niall's grasp on me tightened

"Oh, who is this?" He said, bringing his face to mine, as his scent swept over my face

He smelled weird

A collection of coffee beans, mint, and a hint of vanilla

The scents by themselves were amazing, but together.. It smelled like... like a potion a two year old would make while playing in the kitchen

"This is Claire, Mr. Franklands" Niall said, standing taller

"I will tell everyone your secret!" Mr. Franklands snarled

"Go ahead! I'm tired of pretending I'm inlove with someone I'm not!" Niall yelled back

I've never seen Niall like this before

So angry

So fierce

It was so different

I liked it and all

But I'll always love the sweet, sensitive Niall

"Leave, I never want to see you again" Mr. Franklands growled

"Gladly" Niall said, grabbing me by the waist

He gave me a kiss on the cheek

"I love you"

Last Goodbyes (I warn you, Niall is in it) :)Where stories live. Discover now