A Few Days Later Pt. 4

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(OKAY HERE WE GO!!! so i wanted to post this yesterday but it was a bit late and honestly i couldnt think of much more for harumi but then i diD SO YEAH THEN I FINISHED IT BOOYEAH)

(anyhow hope y'all enjoy this!)


I never thought I would be the one kicking down the door to my own house. After all, Cole always seemed more likely to.

But I just did.

"Cole!" I run into the house as soon as the door flies open, searching frantically for my brother. "Cole, where are you?"

No responses.

I am becoming increasingly worried for the well-being of my brother, but just as I am about to enter his room, I hear the sound of the window shutting. I open the door slowly, a little nervous about what I might find while my brain runs through all possible scenarios, starting with the likeliest outcome. Please do not let him be dead, please do not let him be dead, please do not let him be....

"Aw, man! I died!"

I release the air that has been inside me for far too long when I see Cole, in as good of health as ever, playing a video game. That was far too predictable for it to not be the likeliest, I scold myself. I must have been more frightened than I realized.

He takes a bite of a cookie, which I can only assume is not his first, and glances at me. "Oh, hey Zane. Welcome back."



"What are you doing?"

"Playing video games and eating cookies. What's it look like?"

"Why did I hear the window shut?"

"Must've been your imagination, bro. I didn't hear or see anything." His eyes are glued to the screen as he talks, which annoys me.

"You could at least look at me while we are talking."

"Yeah, but I'm in the middle of a round. Wanna join once it's done?" He gestures to the other controller.


He sighs, finally noticing the seriousness in my tone, and pauses the game. "What, Zane?"

"Where did the intruder go?"

"It's a long story...."

"I want to hear it," I tell him. "All of it. Tell me what happened."

Cole groans, but he turns slightly to face me, patting the seat beside him to signify that he would like me to sit there. I oblige, my curiosity growing and silently begging him to start.

"Alright," he begins at last, before proceeding to tell me about a series of somewhat-difficult-to-believe events.


Before I can even finish my thought, he pounces on me. He lands a lot harder than I expect, which makes my shoulders scream at me in pain before a dull ache sets in. I try to escape, but the stranger is quite strong and I'm barely able to free one of my arms. He grabs my wrist before I can take off his helmet, though.

"Who... are you?" I hiss through gritted teeth. "A-and why are you in my house?"

"What does it look like?" He responds in his deep voice.

"It looks like you're trying to be nice by making cookies, then trying to kill me because I saw you!"

He froze, giving me time to free my wrist and kick him in the chest, grabbing his helmet and yanking it off as he falls back. But once I have risen to my feet, I realize I have made a grave mistake.

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