Sixteen; Real Life

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"Remember to eat," Jay tells Jamie, reaching up to cup his face with her hands

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"Remember to eat," Jay tells Jamie, reaching up to cup his face with her hands. "Look after yourself, okay? I know how the stress of tour affects you. I don't care if you eat junk, as long as you eat—and remember your water. On-stage and off."

         James laughs, pulling her hands from his face, and wraps his arms around her shoulders instead. "I'll take care of myself, Princess." He presses a kiss to the side of her head. "Being without you for two months, though... that might affect me the most."

         "You'll see me at your London show," she tells him, voice muffled slightly by the fabric of his jacket. "Maddox won't stop talking about it. And I'll face time you whenever you're free."

         "I miss you already," he sighs, tightening his arms around her. "You better take care of yourself, too, alright? And you better tell me all about the audition—and I expect daily pictures of Prince B and Royal."

         "Anything for you." They pull away, and Jay is replaced by Aaron, who wraps their friend in a quick hug.

          "Do I get any demands, honey bear?" He asks the musician, lips quirked upwards in a joyful smile.

           "Obviously," James snorts. "Updates on the girls are a must. Take care of yourself—and I would tell you to take care of our girl but I know you will anyway."

           There's a honk of a car horn outside, James' ride to the airport. He's the last stop, Jay knows this. The others were already piled inside that car, James' extended family. The people he shared the stage with, shared the studio with, shared the music with. She knows he's going to be okay with them, but even still her heart clenches at the thought of impending separation.

          She and James have been best friends since they were five. Of course they were. Why wouldn't they have become instant best friends after discovering that their names were almost exactly the same? Jaymes Johanna Davis and her best friend James Johnathan Davies. It had seemed like fate, the two of them meeting like that, birthdays mere days apart. It still seems that way. The world brought them together as soulmates, and separating from James is like losing a limb.

         Aaron's hand finds Jaymes' as Jamie says his final goodbyes and turns, heading for the door, suitcase wheeling behind him. His hand is bigger than hers, so much so, encompassing hers. It's comforting, she thinks, glancing downwards at their hands and then upwards at his face.

        She has loved him before, years ago. Back when they were teenagers—before Percy Madden and his bubbling anger. Those feelings were the whole reason she went running to Percy, fooled herself into believing that she loved him when really her heart had been left behind with Aaron and his newfound love.

        Jaymes curls into him, resting her head on his arm, and takes a deep breath. "Aaron, I—." The words die in her throat, burning to ashes atop her tongue. Aaron turns his gaze down to her, brows furrowed. "I'm hungry. Wanna go to KFC?"

        Aaron laughs, softly, and nods his head. "I'll go anywhere with you, JD, you know that."


The Mess I Made ─ A. Taylor-Johnson ─ HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now