chapter 6 #sadness ✔

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The next morning I woke up to the sound of sobbing. I opened my eyes and blinked a few times before I sat up on my bed. I gazed through my room and saw Look sitting on his mattress. His body trembling with every sob. "Luke?" I asked and he flinched. "Is everything okay?" I asked again. "Yeah. Sure. Everything's perfect," he said while wiping his tears away. "You're really sure?" "Totally." I knew if I ask him again he would still tell me that everything is fine or he would freak out, but I couldn't just stand seeing him like this. I honestly didn't know why but he already had captured a big place in my heart. It's crazy to think that I was so pissed off when my parents told me he would stay here. It's crazy to think that I actually hated him nor care about, because now seeing him like this, it breaks my heart.

I sat down next to him and put an arm around his shoulder. "Whatever it is you can tell me. Of course just when you want and when you ready for it." He said nothing. He just sat there and didn't make a move. Then suddenly he burrowed his head into my shoulder and started crying. I put my arms around him and hugged him tight to comfort him. "It's okay Luke. It's okay," I said while slowly rubbing his back. "You sure you don't want to talk about it?" He just nodded. "Okay." "Why is life so unfair sometimes?" I shrugged. "I don't know." He said nothing and so I figured it would be the best to just remain silent.

"You know sometimes I think it would be the best to just leave and never come back." "What do you mean?" "I mean it would be better if I wasn't here anymore." "For the sake of your face I hope you talking about not here as in not in Australia anymore, because if not I can assure you I will happily be the one to punch you." He looked at me a little bit shocked. "You would punch me?" "If it's the only way to get you back to your senses, yeah then I would." First I didn't know how to interpret his facial expression but then he started smiling slightly. "Thank you," he said and hugged me. I just smiled and returned his hug. "You won't do anything stupid right?" He didn't answer my question. He just nodded. "Promise?" He hesitated for a moment but then he nodded again. "Good. You know you're the first person that really seems to like me." "Really?" He looked at me in disbelieve. "Yeah really." "Why am I the first person that likes you? You don't have any friends." I shrugged for what felt the thousands time today. "Not really no. People just don't like me." "Why they don't like you?" "I don't know." "But they need to have reason for not liking you." "I'm sure they have but they don't like me so they didn't tell me." "Point for you," he said and looked at me thinking. "You know I think you seem pretty amazing." I smiled at him, "Thank you."

There was a knock on the door and then I heard my mum's voice, "Boys you're up?" "Yes we are," I said. "Okay. Breakfast is ready," she said and left. And after I convinced Luke that nobody would notice that he had cried we finally went to the kitchen.

"Would you mind me playing a bit?" Luke asked and pointed at my guitar. Actually, I wasn't a fan of people touching my stuff, especially my guitar. My guitar, even though I didn't play it that much anymore, was my baby, but for whatever reason I couldn't reject Luke's wish. He looked so excited and I had a feeling that it would make him happy if I let him play. So if letting him use my guitar means he would cheer up, I was willing to make an exception. A big smile appeared on his face and he grabbed the guitar sitting down on my bed. He started playing and then singing. I identified the song as A drop in the ocean by Ron Pope. It's a beautiful song but also a very sad song (so much to him cheering up). But I guess that's the strange thing about many humans, that they listen to sad songs, or in this case sing sad songs, when they're sad. Well, as long as it helped him it was perfectly fine with me.

While he was playing the guitar I decided to talk to Thomas. So I logged myself in 'SpeakUp!' and immediately wrote him a message.

[to: sexkykiwi]

Hey :)

Luke had finished playing and Thomas still hadn't replied. It was not typical for him to not answer me. He's always online. He's really as bad as I am.

"You're okay?" Luke asked me and I looked at him in with confusion. "You're looking worried." "Oh! No I'm okay." "What do you do?" he asked nodding in direction of my laptop. "Just writing with a friend but he doesn't reply. So I guess I can go offline again," I said, logged myself off and closed my laptop. "I thought you don't have any friends." "That's right. At least not in real life." "Oh so an internet friend?" "Yep." "Okay." "You think that's strange right?" "What? No." "Good because it isn't. I found a lot of good friends out there I wouldn't have met in real life." "That's cool really. I'm just a little too careful when it comes to meeting people in the internet. I guess I'm paranoid," he said smiling. "I guess everybody's a little paranoid." He laughed, "That's true." "Well, let's change the topic. Did anyone ever told you that you can sing pretty good?" He shook his head. "No and that's definitley not true." "Of course it's the truth. I would never lie to you. I think it's beautiful." "It's not." "Stop denying your talent Luke." "I can't deny something that doesn't exist." "Stop it. You know what the next time you sing something I will record you and put in the internet. So people can like it and you finally believe in yourself." "I'll kill you if you do." I gasped. "You would kill your cousin?" "If he puts a video of me singing in the internet I will." "I don't have to do it when you realize that you have a great voice." He rolled his eyes. "Whatever?" "Come on Lucas admit you have a great voice." "I won't admit something that isn't true. And now please let's talk about something else." I sighed and gave up convincing him. I will be successful someday I know for sure.


A sad one, but I think it isn't too bad.

Chapter Question: What's your favourite acoustic guitar song?

Love you, bye :)

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