Beautifully broken

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(Ace's POV)
I had just got home from a date with Chuck Clayton he stood me up. I walked upstairs into my room and threw things at my wall as tears streamed down my face. I finally laid down on my bed and cried until I fell asleep. Cameron was out of town with mom so I had the house to myself. Nobody to disturb with my crying and throwing of things. I finally had cried myself to sleep and I didn't realize Jughead had made his way in my house and up to my room.

(Jughead's POV)
I walked into Ace's house it was quiet. I knew her family wasn't home and she was home alone for the week. I made my way up to her room and there she was, she was huddled up into a ball with mascara and tear-stained cheeks. I walked over to her bathroom and grabbed a makeup wipe. I walked over to her quietly and gently wiped the mascara off her cheeks. I covered her up with a blanket and I was getting ready to leave when I felt something grab my wrist. I turned to see a halfway asleep Ace looking at me.

"Stay with me please." she said and I nodded as I laid next to her with my arm around her. She was asleep within seconds and so was I.
~~~~~~~~~~~~next day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I woke up to a note from Ace laying on the bed. I read it and as I read it my eyes started to water. The note said 'Dear Jughead, I'm probably already gone by the time you read this but just know that I loved you with all my heart.' I got up as fast as I could and started looking for her.

"ACE?!" I yelled but no response so I ran to Pop's. She wasn't there I panicked. Then it clicked where does she always go when she's sad? Sweetwater River!!! I ran to Sweetwater to see Ace out on the ice with a rock in her hand. She looked at me before she hit the ice with the rock and fell down.

"ACE!!" I yelled tears streaming down my face. I ran to where the current might of took her with the rock in my hand. I began to hit the ice until it broke I grabbed her ice-cold body and ran as fast as I could back to land. I started doing CPR on her until she gagged and started coughing. She looked around for a bit before yelling.

"NO I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE!!" she yelled crying. She looked at me tears filled her eyes as she hugged me.

"Don't ever do that again you scared me." I told her hugging her. I wrapped my flannel and jacket around her and we walked back to her house. Her mom and brother were home when we got there and I knew she would be sent to Sisters of Quiet Mercy if they knew what happened.

"Ace, Jughead what happened?!" Ace's mom asked me. Ace looked at me scared.

"She fell in the river the ice broke from our weight." I lied. Well it was half of a lie she really did fall in. Ace's mom made us hot chocolate while Ace showered and changed into warm clothes. We cuddled up on the couch and drank our hot chocolate. After a while I noticed that Ace had fell asleep so I started to work on my laptop.

She looks happy on the outside but on the inside she's crying
out for help, hoping that someone can hear her. She fakes a smile that looks so real until you pay more attention. Her wrists aren't cut up but, have you checked her thighs. This girl is beautiful but broken....

She's beautifully broken

I finished typing and quietly closed my laptop. I carefully got up and picked Ace up and took her upstairs. I laid her on her bed kissed her forehead and left.

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