The date

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The raven haired boy was as always behind his laptop his novel at pops. No one was bothered talk to him, but they always saw him there. He kinda liked the idea of not being talked to while he's writing, no one to bother him. But at times it could be lonely.

He leaned back on his booth to think of what to write when the bell alarmed the place someone came in, it caught his attention. Walking in was a girl with blonde hair and beautiful light blue eyes, but with an unfamiliar face. He furrowed his eyebrows, he never saw this girl before.
The girl looked Jughead's and noticed his confusion, she gave him a soft smile. She then walked over to him

"Is it okay if I sit down?" she asked. Jughead raised an eyebrow, he wondered why she took a sudden interest in him.

"Sure, why not. I'm Jughead, Jughead Jones the third" he reached his hand out waiting for her to accept it.

"Nice to meet you Jughead, I'm Ace Ventura. The first" she joked and shook his hand. He chuckled and put his attention back again on his novel with a slight smirk visible on his face.

"What are you doing?" Ace suddenly asked. He looked again at her and then back at his screen again.

"A novel. About the death of Jason Blossom, you know about him?" Ace was surprised, she didn't expect him to be a writer.

"N-not really, I've only met his sister. Cheryl" a short pause entered the conversation.

"She is not the nicest people to be around" Ace then suddenly said with a voice crack. She doesn't know why she was so open to this boy she just met, but it felt like he could be trusted. Jughead looked up from his screen again, Ace was fighting her own tears and he noticed that all too well.

"You okay? Did she do something to you?" Ace didn't say anything she just nodded, she knew that If she did she would burst out in tears.

"May I ask you what exactly?" Ace closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Well- actually... this is nothing of your business, I should go really" Ace shut up from the booth.

"Sorry but my parents are probably worried about me already, I'll see you around" and with that, she left. Jughead was left confused, but he knew he had something to write about in the future. A couple days past and it was a Monday again, Ace who just moved to Riverdale would attend to its high school. She wasn't nervous or anything, it was just that she was scared that she wouldn't belong.
Even though she already met someone who does attend Riverdale's high school, he probably already thinks she's crazy and probably wants to stay away from her. Ace did a last mirror check and then headed out to her school, luckily she lived like one block from school and didn't have to walk much. When she reached the place, she looked around. It's so different from the school she attended in her previous town. And everyone had their own group of friends, happy with what they already have and don't search for more.

Ace walked into the building and got the stuff she needed from the principal and got assigned to someone who would show her around. Ace walked out of the principal's room where a girl with a blonde ponytail awaited her.

"Hi, You must be Ace! I'm Betty and I'll be your guide today, ready to go?" Betty sounded really nice and really genuine about it. Ace smiled.

"ready as I'll ever be!" Ace told her and with that, they started walking. What they didn't know was that a certain person with a beanie was happy with their new member at school. It was lunch time and Ace had met a couple of people already, there was Betty. She was really nice. Veronica, she was pretty famous but we don't talk about her past, she is also pretty cool. Then there was Kevin, super gay, best friend material. And finally Archie, cute, but not her type. We were listening to Kevin and how he found this gay boy and got his number.

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