Chapter 6- Confirmed

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Miss Gray?" Tessa jumped, her trance broke by Sophie's voice. "Are you ok?" She felt Sophie's hands in her hair, pinning each little curl up.

"Yes, I just..." She trailed off unsure of what to say. "Did Will return home last night?" Sophie nodded.

"Came home around midnight, waking the whole household up. That man makes quite the racket" Sophie said, scorn evident in her voice. Sophie stood back to look at Tessa's hair. "Your ready to go to breakfast Miss Gray" Tessa nodded and Sophie left the room quietly. She looked in the mirror, her hands shaking slightly. She was to see the silent brother's today. Pinching her cheeks to get some colour into them, she looked at herself one last time, before putting her shoes on and walking down to the breakfast room.

Tessa opened the doors, and was greeted by three faces, Will, to her relief, Jem and Jessamine. She sat in am empty seat next to Jem, who smiled at her, before turning back to Will. Just as she took a piece of toast, Charlotte came in. Everyone stopped and looked, Charlotte's sad face attracting their attention. "I have some news..." She trailed off, as if stopping herself from crying. Will and Jem immediately looked at one another, worry painted on both of their faces. "Tatiana Lightwood died last night." Tessa looked at Will, who had paled considerably. Charlotte continued, "So both her brother's who have no place else to go, are coming here. Will, be nice to Gabriel!" Will said nothing, and Jem bent his head down.

"Did- Did she suffer?" Will whispered, his voice barely audible.

Charlotte nodded sadly. "She bled to death, it took 5 hours for her to die" Will abruptly stood up.

"I have to go" he got up and walked out, his face looking like a ghost. Tessa looked at Jem. "Is he going to be ok?" Jem shrugged.

"He'll take some time but I think so"

"If you don't mind me asking, who's Tatiana?"

Jem looked at her, his luminous silver eyes shining with years.

"Tatiana lightwood is the youngest child of a well known family called the Lightwood's. We first met her at a party, and like a lot of people she fell hard for Will" Jem smiled at the memory. "Then, after lots of awkward meetings, Tatiana told Will she loved him." Tessa opened her mouth in surprise. It had never occured to her that Will would have had other lovers.

"What did he do?" Jem laughed.

"Well Will, being Will at 12 years of age, told everyone at a party we were at, on a microphone, all of her secrets, that he found after reading her letter's. From there, her older brother Gabriel launched himself at Will. Will broke his leg and humiliated both of them in front of a whole crowd. Gabriel has never forgiven him, and I don't think Tatiana did either, so maybe that's why he's so upset." Jem looked down, and Tessa couldn't help but see his long silver lashes framing his beautiful eyes.

"Wow.. that's.." she trailed off.

"Like Will? Yeah" Jem laughed, but it was dry.

"Are you ok?" Jem looked at her in surprise.

"Yeah I guess, it's weird to think that she's never going to fawn over Will ever again" Tessa laughed, she couldn't help herself. Jem looked at her, laughing with her

"But in all seriousness, may she rest in peace." Jem said and Tessa nodded. She suddenly felt her tummy twist, butterflies flying all around her stomach. She was nervous. So nervous. Tessa got up to leave, and Jem did too. "So, when are you seeing the silent brother's?" Jem asked as they exited the breakfast room.

"Today" she replied, her voice shaking slightly.

Jem turned and caught her arm

She was surprised but didn't pull away. "You'll be fine, we'll be there when you meet them so your not alone, and Will will be there the whole time because Charlotte thought it would be wise to keep someone you know in there with you." Tessa let out a sigh of relief.

"Why won't you be there?" She whispered.

Jem smiled. "I can't. Charlotte wants me to meet the Lightwood brother's. Will hates them both so I had to do it" Tessa stopped outside her door and looked at Jem. "Guess I'll see you later" she said. Jem nodded and turned to go back to his room. She opened the door and shut it behind her.

Will stood up from the dining table, his insides twisting into knots, he was doing everything he could not to be sick. "I have to go" he whispered, not even able to recognise his own voice. He walked out of the breakfast room, voices ringing in his head. You took away my boyfriend, now I'll take away yours. i curse you. Any girl who ever loved you will die a slow, painful death. Did she suffer? Yes He shook his head, the world shifting in his vision. He found the door of his room, and pushed it open, where he sat on his bed, and thought. The warlock said that any girl who loved him would die, and Tatiana Lightwood ha loved him. It must be true. His mind suddenly pictures his life with no love. He had pictured his future life, with a happy wife and kids to carry on the Shadowhunter lineage, but now that future had smashed into tiny prices like a mirror. He now saw himself, older, around 30, with everyone around him married with happy kids. He was the only one who had no-one. His stomach twisted again. He put his head in his hands.

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