Chapter 8- It's harder than it seems

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Will was half asleep when Jem knocked on his door as hard as he could. Will sleepily opened his eyes, the memories of this morning rolling back into his brain. He groaned and Jem opened the door. Jem came over and slapped Wills stomach lovingly. "Get up you lazy. You were meant to meet Charlotte and Tessa 10 minutes ago." He got up quickly and pulled on a shirt, put on some shoes and walked out the door, Jem followed him out, shutting the door behind both of them. "What happened to you?" Jem asked. Will sighed internally. He wasn't going to tell anyone about the curse.

"Nothing, I'm just really tired. Have they gone in yet?" Jem shook his head. "Weren't you going to go meet the Lightwoods?"

"Yeah but they haven't come yet"

Just as they reached the last turn, Jem stopped, and Will did too. Will's heart immediately contracted. Was he going to have another attack?


"Will..." His voice was shy, and Will's worry crept up higher.

Yeah?" He whispered, his voice steady.

"Will you make sure nothing happens to her?" Jem said

"Tessa?" Jem nodded. "Sure" Jem smiled, before turning and walking to the weapons room. Will frowned in confusion, before waking towards Charlotte, who was worriedly pacing outside a closed door. He ran to her. "Where's Tessa?"

"She went in, we're not allowed in"

Will said nothing, but sat down on the bench. He promised Jem he would make sure Tessa was ok, he wasn't going to break it. What he would never admit, us that a little part of him wanted to make sure Tessa was ok, and didn't want to see her get hurt. He ignored that part of him.

After 20 minutes of waiting, Will's mind slowly going insane from worry, the silent brother came out. He stood up, next to Charlotte. The silent brother seemed to be talking to Charlotte because she went with the brother back inside, and closed the door, right in his face. He looked down, and sat back down on the bench, deflated. What felt like an hour, Charlotte came out, a look of astonishment and fear on her face. She closed the door.

"What? What happened? Is she ok? Is Tessa ok?" He asked, his mind jumping to the worst possible conclusions.

Charlotte nodded, still shocked.

"I- I have to go" she said, not answering any of Wills other qhestions. She hurried down the hall leaving Will staring behind her.

Hours passed, in complete silence, with the occasional noise, Will thought was Tessa behind the closed door. Every time, Will forced himself not to break down the door. The only other interesting thing that had happened was that he saw a very well known warlock, Magnus Bane come in and go into the room. He didn't try and stop it, for he knew Magnus well enough to know that he wouldn't harm Tessa. Just then, Tessa screamed, a high pitched scream of pain, something Will had heard so many times. He couldn't hold back anymore, he broke down the door, and stared. Tessa was on the floor, in a pale white dress, with blood covering her dress and the floor. She was passed out on the floor. Magnus Bane was kneeling next to her, though not actually checking her, but seemed to be picking up something from Tessa's outstretched hand. "Tessa!" Will screamed and ran to her. He held her, blood covering his hands instantly. He felt her pulse, which was strangely steady. Maybe it wasn't as bad as he though. However he had difficulties convincing himself, as he looked around at the blood covering the floor. His sight was blinded by rage. "WHAT DID YOU DO!?" he screamed at the silent brother. He looked back at Tessa, his fingers slowly tracing her cheekbone.

"Tessa, Tessa wake up" he whispered, his voice more desperate than he thought it would be.

Nephilm calm down he heard the silent brother's deep voice inside his head. He takes a bloody hand through his hair, staining it red. He almost laughed.

"Calm down!? She's dying! What did you do!?"

She is not dying William.

"Then what?" He said, calming down. This time Magnus answered.

"Check her shoulder" Will looked at him as of he had gone crazy.

Magnus had a smirk on his face. "Check it"

Will carefully pulled down her sleeve, just until the point where the wound should have been. He did a double take. There was nothing there. No wound, just her skin.

"What is going on?" He said. He was starting to get freaked out now.

"Your precious Tessa" Magnus said, smirking. Will glared at him, but at this point he just wanted to know what the hell was going on." Is a special warlock. She is the only one in this world who is a shape shifter" Will was shocked. He had only read about shape shifter's in the Shadowhunter Codex, a book containing everything about the shadow world. They were unique and very rare. Also very targeted by big, powerful people. Will looked down at Tessa.

"Why isn't she waking up?"

" It was a bit too much for her so she passed out, she might be out for a bit."

"Why didn't you use magic to heal her?"

At this Magnus sulked. "Ask hoodie over there"

For the tenth time Warlock I don't appreciate being called "Hoodie" my name is brother Jeremiah. Show some respect for the silent brother's

"I will show some respect when you call me Magnus, which is my name!"

Will cleared his throat.

She is in a delicate state and magic may harm her instead of heal her. I suggest take her to the infirmary and let her rest there.

"Yeah no kidding" Will muttered, picking Tessa up gently. He hoped she couldn't feel his heart pounding. He guestured for Magus to open the door, who did it with magic. Will rolled his eyes and walked out. Will took a deep breath in and out, to calm himself. He looked down fondly at Tessa, he could feel her heart beat, next to his own. Suddenly, she opened her eyes slowly.


"Yeah" he whispered, smiling.

"What happened?"

"Nothing you passed out, go back to sleep" he said, and she closed her eyes, snuggling closer into Will. He was nearing the weapons room, when Jem came out of it, and his eyes immediately went to the asleep Tessa in Will's arms.

Jem opened his mouth in horror, but Will shushed him.

"Be quiet she's asleep" he whispered and Jem nodded, still shocked. Will then remembered that Tessa was still covered in a lot of blood, and Will's hands, and probably hair too were covered in it.

"What happened? Is she ok?" Jem asked, his voice now quiet

"It's not her blood. Open the door will you?" Jem did, and Will placed her carefully on the bed.

Jem looked at him, wanting answers. "It's a really long story, I'll tell you in a bit. They found out what she was."

Jem nodded, and they both stayed there, looking at Tessa who was peacefully asleep now. Will's heart began to tighten, and suddenly the warlock's voice rung in his head. Any girl who loves you will die

Will's heart began to pound. "Come on, let's go" he said abruptly. Suddenly he couldn't look at Tessa without his heart twisting.

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