Chapter 10- Using what we've got

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Jem walked to him room and put on a clean shirt for dinner, before heading to Will's room. He knocked, and waited until he heard a grumpy "Come in!"

He opened the door, to see Will on his bed, his head in his hands. Jem immediately panicked. "Will are you ok?" He sat next to Will, who looked up at him in surprise.

"Stupid bell" was all he muttered, but Jem understood exactly what he meant. Jem laughed.

"You were still sleeping? God you lazy. Get up and get changed, you have to go to dinner. " Will groaned and lay back again. Just as he was about to wake Will up, he started coughing, deleting his chest contract. He immediately felt Will's hand rest on his arm, holding him up, and the fit passed."I'm fine" he answered the unasked question. He felt Will's worry radiate off of him. Will stayed silent, before quickly telling Jem to stay there. Jem sat on Will's bed, looking at the Will-sized imprint on the bed. He looked up quickly to see him pulling on shoes and getting up. In silence they walked to the dining room, and going into it, they saw an empty table, avatar from the Lightwood brother's. Sophie was just coming out, a plate in her hand. Jem smiled, and kissed her quickly on the lips, before sitting down. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Sophie smile, and leave the room, he also felt Gideon's eyes on him.

"Well, look what the car dragged in. Gabriel Lightwood" Will said, smiling. Jem nudged him under the table, but Will, being Will didn't pay any attention. Of course.

"Will Herondale, I see your still as egotistical as ever" Gabriel responded.

"You know it" Will said, now looking at the door.

Jem rolled his eyes.

Tessa quickly pinned up her hair, her conversation with Jem had left her mind whirling. Is that really what people thought of warlocks? Monsters? Tessa looked at her hands, her own hands, or so she thought. The thought had crossed her mind quite a few times now. If she could so easily shape shift, who knows if there actually is a Tessa Gray? What if she was actually shape shifter into another person's body? Was she truly Tessa Gray? Did she actually look like this? She shook her head, rubbing away the stray tears that had escaped her eyes, smoothened out her dress and walked slowly to the dining room. She knew this was where Charlotte was going to tell everyone about her ability, as only a couple knew about it, but she wasn't ready for everyone to find out. No-one would care she told herself over and over again, but she knew it wasn't the case. She had seen Jem's eyes when she was telling him about her ability, confused and a bit scared. Just before entering the dining room, she clenched her fists to stop then from shaking, and straightened her back, trying not to look scared. Taking deep breaths, she opened the door. She was greeted with 5 faces, Will's, Jem's and Jessamine's, as well as two strangers who she assumed were the Lightwood brother's. As she sat down next to Jessamine, and opposite to Jem, she noticed Gabriel look from her to Will and smirk.

"Tessa, this is Gideon and Gabriel Lightwood" Tessa looked up and smiled at them, unsure of what to say. Fortunately they looked just as awkward and did the same. Gabriel said "So your the girl deQuincy wants" Tessa nodded

"Why?" He asked and Tessa opened her mouth, but at that time Charlotte and Henry came in, and sat down. Tessa shut her mouth and began to eat. Charlotte stood up, and looked at Tessa, as if to ask if it was ok to tell everyone. She nodded.

"So everyone's probably wondering why Tessa is needed so much, and we have found out what she has that is so special." She paused.

"Tessa is a shape shifter." Tessa looked around nervously but to her than a few looks of surprise, there wasn't much reaction. She let out a long sigh in relief.

"So what does that mean?" Jessamine asked.

This time Tessa spoke. "I can change into the person, and also access their memories and thoughts, but only if they allow me too. Some people don't have a spark, so I can't change into them."

The room was silent.

"Couldn't we use this to our advantage?" Will asked and Charlotte, who had sat down now, looked at him curiously. Jem too looked at Will, before saying to him. "That's too risky though."

"Not necessarily" Will said, and Tessa looked at the two in surprise.

"Can you two read each other's minds?"

Will laughed, while Jem shuddered.

"I wouldn't have become his parabatai if that was a thing" Jem said.

"What was the idea?" Charlotte questioned.

Will looked at Jem as if to ask if he should say it, and Jem shrugged.

"Do what you want" Jem said.

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