Chapter 7- The silent brother's

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Tessa sat on a bench just near the entrance. She was waiting for Charlotte to tell her that the silent brother's were hear. At this point, nervous was an understatement for the way she was feeling right now. Her hands were shaking, she was scared. What was they going to find?

Just as Tessa was taking deep breaths in and out, muttering her favourite quotes from 'The Great Gatsby' she felt someone sit next to her. "The Great Gatsby? One of Will's favourite's too" She turned to see James Carstairs sitting next to her, smiling at her obvious shock.

"Will reads!?" 

Jem laughed. "Why does that shock you?"

"I guess, Will didn't strike me as a very... Well he didn't strike me as someone who would read books" 

"Well, there is much about Will we don't know. He's kind of like a new type of animal. We don't know how his mind works" 

They both laughed, and sat in a comfortable silence. 

"Why did you come? I thought you had to go and see the Lightwood brother's?" Tessa asked, curiously. She wanted to know who the Lightwood brother's were and what they looked like.

" I do, I just came to wish you good luck. " Jem blushed slightly, and Tessa's heart warmed. He was sweet.


They looked at each other, both holding one another's gaze, before Jem finally broke it. "Where's Will?" Tessa shrugged, and Jem got up. "I'll go find him," he looked at her, offered her a smile, before leaving to go and find Will. Tessa never understood who came up with the idea that she needed Will, she didn't.

Just then, Charlotte came in, her brown hair swept up in a quick, untidy bun. "Tessa?" Tessa looked up. "The silent brother's are here, come out." Fighting back her nervousness, she got up, trying to put on the most confident face she had, and walked out the door.

The moment the door opened, she fought back a scream. In front of her were tall giant beings, Tessa wouldn't call them humans. They and the normal facial structure of a human, cheeks, bones, forehead, but their eyes and mouth were sewn shut. They wore long, dark robes, covering all of their body. Tessa couldn't see if they had hair or not, as a thick black hood covered their head. Tessa made sure her expression was calm and normal, before advancing into the room that Charlotte motioned towards. The room was like all the other rooms, small with wooden walls and a stone floor. She sat on a small bench, and, after a little while, the silent brother came into the room as well. Tessa Gray? a low, deep voice spoke in her head. She jumped and looked around. don't be alarmed, this is how the silent brothers talk. I'm not going to hurt you Tessa looked at the brother, trying to stay calm. She looked around. Where were Will and Charlotte? As if reading her mind, the silent brother replied, Charlotte and William Herondale aren't allowed to come inside. This will be private as we don't know what we will need to do to find out what you are Tessa nodded, to indicate she was ok with that. First question. Do you have any unusual marks, horns, patches of blue, third eye etc? Tessa held back a laugh. Blue patches? Did people think she was a monster? Tessa shook her head. Close you eyes and clear your head  Tessa obeyed, she was a bit scared of the silent brother. Immediate after she did, she felt pulling, in her brain, as if someone was pulling thorns out of her finger. It stayed like that for about five minutes, until her brain felt empty. She hesitantly opened her eyes, and the silent brother called Charlotte in. Charlotte opened the door, and Tessa saw Will there. She tried to look at him, but he didn't look her way. Charlotte came in and shut the door behind her, Will's expression looked confused at the door in his face.

"Well Brother Jeremiah? What's wrong? Have you found out what she is?"

I have. Although I don't know what she is, it is almost definate that she is a warlock, as she does posses a strange power. I have only seen 1 other case like this. Charlotte looked worried now, her voice raising slightly. "Is she ok? Does she posses a warlock mark?"

She does not posses a warlock mark. However, she is a shapeshifter Charlotte reeled back in shock. Tessa sat down, feeling her head spin. A shape shifter? What does that mean?

Charlotte voiced her thoughts. Her voice was barely a whisper. "What does that mean?"

She can change into other people, access their thoughts, their memories. For this, deQuincy wants her. She is the only known person who possess this skill. For the first time in a while, Tessa spoke. "How do I control it? I don't know how to use this- this power of mine" It felt surreal. The world's most dangerous person wanted her. Her! All because of a power she had. She could shape shift into anyone. Figure out their memories.

Charlotte, Magnus bane is one of the few warlock's who do know how to train warlock's like this. It could make Tessa feel more comfortable, being around another warlock. Tessa didn't hear anything. She was numb in shock. She was literally one of a kind. And she was a warlock.

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