Chapter 12- Changing

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Sophie was pinning Tessa's curl's back, when the bell rang. Tessa has noticed that Sophie was a lot happier that she normally was, and was wondering what it was about, and after a couple of minutes debating, she decided to ask.

"So Sophie" she started, as Sophie stepped back to look if the curl's were ok.

"Yeah?" Sophie asked, now looking at Tessa's face.

"Why are you so happy today?" Sophie smiled and blushed, and Tessa knew exactly what it was.

"Sophie?" Tessa giggled slightly.

"Ok fine, Jem and me have a date tomorrow, and I'm so excited. But, I don't have anything fancy to wear" Sophie was smiling, her grin reaching both her eyes.

"Borrow one of mine, j have loads I'm never going to wear" Tessa said, and Sophie looked genuinely surprised.

"Are you sure?" Sophie's voice was quiet.

Tessa nodded, and her stomach growled loudly, causing both of them to laugh.

"I'd better go, but good luck with tomorrow and take whatever you want from the closet."

"Thank you" Sophie's voice was quiet, but content.

Tessa walked out the door, leaving Sophie to choose whatever dress she wanted.

Tessa sat down at the table, feeling uncomfortable. She could feel Gabriel's eyes following her wherever she moved, as well as Will's glances, though he was busy staring angrily at Gabriel. Tessa sat down next to Jem.

"What's going on between them?" She whispered to Jem, who instantly replied in the same hushed manner.

"They had some sort of fight in the morning. Will refuses to tell me what it's about though" he said, his voice a little bit worried.

"Well, whatever it is, i'm sure it's nothing" Tessa said, trying to reassure him.

Tessa finished breakfast as quickly as she could. The atmosphere in the breakfast room was tense, what with Will and Gabriel looking like they wanted to strangle each other. Tessa got up quickly, feeling Gabriel and Will's glares on her back as she walked out. Shutting the door, she hurried to another room, where Henry and Charlotte were waiting for her. They were sat on chairs, with a little table full of random things, rings, peices of clothing, keys, necklaces and a lot of other things. Tessa looked at Henry and Charlotte who were kissing each other. Tessa cleared her throat, watching as Charlotte, who had gone bright red.

"Tessa" Henry said. He didn't look the slightest bit embarrassed, only Charlotte did.

"Why did you call me here?" Tessa asked curiously.

"Well, we wanted to see if your power would allow you to change into deQuincy, but also other things as well. You said for some things you need an anchor to use as a connection to the person, so we have some things to try." Charlotte said, obviously recovered from before. Tessa felt the butterflies in her stomach come. The last time she had shape shifted, she fainted, and didn't wake up for a whole day.

Charlotte realised that she was scared, because her face softened. "It will be ok" Charlotte held out the first anchor, a small engraved ring, with an emerald gemstone on it. Tessa looked at the ring, trying to read the words written on it. ego iba tua semper which Tessa translated to _lI'll always be there for you. Who knew the Latin lessons her aunt had made her take would come in handy one day.

She looked at Charlotte who nodded encouragingly, and closed her palm over the ring, blanking her mind out, opening it for a connection. She felt the spark in her hand, and focused on the flame she saw in the back of her mind. Suddenly memories of different places, people flashed before her eyes, before focusing on one specific one. There was a guy, tall and handsome, with long brown hair, and luminous brown eyes, skin the colour of caramel, standing on one knee. Opposite him was a young girl, with straight, long blonde hair, smiling, and shocked. Tess couldn't see her face, but knee she was young from her height.

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