chapter seven

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"Do you want the shutter down?" I asked her. She shook her head as she looked up from her phone. "No, I like looking at the sky," she said with a satisfied smile. I followed her gaze out of the window. We were flying through a thin sheet of fog, and you could just make out the faint lights of the city which were slowly dwindling away as we ascended into the the night sky. The plane was eerily quiet as everyone around us settled into a slumber, save for the low rumbling of the engine as we propelled through the sky. "You should try to sleep," I said to Lily as she huddled inside her grey jumper. She shook her head. "I want to stay awake and talk to you." Her eyes were rimmed with pale, dark circles and her blonde hair was tucked messily behind her small ears. "You look tired. It's a long flight, and you've had a busy day. You can talk to me in the morning," I said with a tired smile. I was expecting her to argue back, but she was definitely tired, and instead she curled up and flicked her eyelids shut.

I stayed awake and put my earphones in. It was calming to stare out at the vast, black sky as I listened to music. Every now and then, Lily shifted uncomfortably beside me. I wasn't sure how long I spent staring out that window, but I felt a pat on my shoulder. "I thought you were sleeping," I whispered as I unhooked my earphones from my ears. She shook her head. "I can't get comfortable. I can't sleep."

"Do you want to listen to some of my music?" I suggested. I knew listening to something calming helped me to drift off when I was restless. She nodded tiredly as I passed her one of my earbuds and she hooked it into her ear. I put mine in. "Come here," I said with a light smile as I pulled her into my arms. She curled up as she rested her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and slowly stroked her hair down behind her ears. I could feel her burying into my sweater as she wrapped her arms around me. I stared out the window as "Songbirds" by Fleetwood Mac came on. This would definitely put her to sleep. "Goodnight, Ev," she whispered as she reached up and kissed my neck gently. I smiled to myself as I continued to stroke her hair slowly. "Night, Lily. Sweet dreams," I murmured back as I held her in my arms.

It didn't take long for her to fall asleep. She slept quietly, breathing slowly, and every now and then she breathed out deeply and buried herself into me. It was sweet. I wrapped both my arms around her sleeping body as I stared out the window at the stars. Could things get any more perfect?

☯ Lily's POV ☯

It was still dark when I woke up. I lifted my head up from Evan's chest and glanced up through the dim cabin lights. He was fast asleep. His lips were slightly parted, and his blonde curls fell roughly near his eyes. He breathed quietly and he murmured slightly. He looked so peaceful and beautiful as he slept. I leant over and pulled the shutter down gently. The sky had turned into a murky grey as daylight began to approach. It didn't look so beautiful anymore.

I shifted uncomfortably for a few moments until I laid my head gently on Evan's lap. He was warm, and his sweatpants were soft as I drew my knees up to my chest and closed my eyes. The cabin was dead silent, aside from the steady sound of the propellers as we soared through the sky. I could hear Evan breathing quietly as his chest moved up and down. Everything was peaceful and blissful as I fell into an easy slumber.

The next time I awoke, the plane was filled with the bright light as the morning welcomed us. I awoke in the same position that I last fell asleep in. As I lifted my head, Evan moved his legs and turned to look at me with a sleepy smile. "Hey," he said in his deep, morning voice. It was beautiful. "Hi," I replied back with a faint smile as I sat up and stretched. "What time is it?" I asked. He yawned before reaching into his pocket and checking the time on his phone. "It's just gone six," he said. "We should be landing soon." I smiled at him and leant over to cuddle him again. I wanted nothing more than to be in his arms. It was perfect. After all, we'd be landing soon and I wanted to make the most of this moment together. He wrapped his big, strong arms around me as I traced shapes on his chest with my forefinger. He rested his hand on my hip and I snuggled into his sweater. We

stayed like that in a comfortable silence until the plane landed.

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