Episode 2 - The light and the night

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On the previous night, many new allies had arrived in Winterfell. And many old friends, or enemies, were meeting again, all around, inside and outside the castle.

Outside the castle

Daenerys and Jon were walking through the camp to check the status of the army, after Tyrion and Varys had arrived with the rest of the Unsullied and Dothraki. A woman in a red cloak walked towards them and they stopped. Melisandre joined them, first hesitant, for she did not know Jon's feelings towards her, but then he smiled, sweet goodhearted forgiving Jon, and she was reassured. Jon told her what he and Dany had learned the night before, asking if she saw it in her flames, if that was the reason why she asked Daenerys to summon him in Dragonstone, if that was the reason why the Lord of Light had brought him back.

"I don't know, Jon Snow. As I explained, I have only the power that the Lord gave me, I don't know why. I know, however, that a prince was promised, a warrior of light, a son of fire, that would defeat the darkness."

"I have heard of this prophecy in Essos. Azor Ahai tempered the sword in his wife's heart." said Daenerys, with much concern.

"Sometimes prophecies are not to be taken word by word, Your Grace: often they use symbols to represent something else.  I  know that this prophecy was translated incorrectly: the word for prince in High Valyrian is the same as the word for princess. It could be either of you. Or it could be the third dragon.".

"Is there another?" asked Jon quite agitated.

"There must be. After all, the dragon has three heads. And the word for dragon does not have a gender either. Forgive me now, there is somebody else that I need to meet.".

Jon and Daenerys were left more confused than they were before. The previous night had been intense for them: Jon was a bundle of emotions, learning that he was raised as a bastard, when, in truth, he was a king; he was afraid he would lose his sisters or the woman he adored. Dany was afraid that learning they were related would have affected their relationship, for Jon had been raised as a Stark, and Starks do not wed their blood relatives; she was worried that a thirst for power could possess her...or him..., leaving only ashes of their love. 

The only solution to all those doubts was talking to one another, and trust that the other would have understood and listened. And they did. All night. To then find that they cared about each other more than any throne, any title, any relation, and to be devoured by sadness at the thought of what it could have been if they had been raised as Targaryen heirs, in Westeros, and not as a fugitive and a bastard.

They were truly, deeply, allies, and destined to be together, to fight together, to flourish together. But now Melisandre had thrown off the balance they had reached. Another dragon?

In Sansa's chambers

Sansa was recalculating how to administer food stokes and flocks, now that they had to feed not only the Northmen, but also the Unsullied, the Dothraki, and the dragons. And survive the long winter. And make sure the dragons were well fed, so they would not eat them all. And help Sam with the books from the Citadel. She was resting her eyes, when somebody knocked on her door.

"My Lady...", said Tyrion, after having received the permission to enter the room.

Sansa expected to see him, she just did not know how she would have felt. Tyrion had been respectful of her, when she used to think that being married to the Imp was being married to a monster. She treated him like a monster. With Ramsey, she learned that the true monsters are monsters in the heart, not in the body. A lesson she should have learned with Joffrey. But again, she was a slow learner. So, seeing Tyrion again, ultimately, revealed her guilt, how she had humiliated herself being so stupid, so mean, to Jon, to Tyrion. She wondered if Tyrion would have forgiven her, like her brother did. Ashamed, she could only whisper "My Lord..."

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