Episode 4 - The last of the monsters

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After the battle of Winterfell, Queen Daenerys of House Targaryen had accepted Lady Sansa Stark's suggestion and hospitality: the armies would have stayed in the North for a few weeks, as they had lost half of their soldiers, and who was left needed to recover. Beyond that, Daenerys knew that Jon, Sansa, and Arya needed some time to grieve together, and she wanted to give them that time.

In the Broken Tower

In the tower from which his brother had thrown Bran years before, the tower where it all started, Tyrion was hiding from curious eyes with the Spider.

"And she said: 'What if it was because a Stark, descendant of the First Men, is supposed to lead the realm of men?' " asked Varys.

"Yes,  I told you. This is what Sansa said during the battle." answered Tyrion.

"Have you asked her since then?"

"No, I do not want to make her suspicious.".

"What if she only meant that Daenerys might marry Jon? That way he would get to lead the realm of men.".

"Then why didn't she say so?"

"I thought Daenerys would have never shared her throne, and, even if she did, Jon wouldn't have wanted it. This is what I had hoped would divide them. The bloody throne."  Varys paused, incredulous "Instead, it seems, their love made them grow out of their weaknesses.". 

"I had counted more on Sansa's jealousy to break them. She stayed with Joffrey even after he ordered Ned Stark to kill her dog, just to be queen. She did not want to leave King's Landing ever when her father ordered her to, just to be queen. I thought she would have hated Daenerys, and manipulated Jon in destroying her". Tyrion was  hesitant "Instead, she seems to have defeated the monsters inside her as well.".

"It was not a dog, but a direwolf, Lord Tyrion."

"That is useless information now, isn't it? Now, Jamie's gone, and Cersei will be massacred. It was all for nothing.".

"I am sorry Jamie ended at the bottom of the pyre and you could not see him a last time. What a shame.".

"I'd rather remember him alive. And I shall resent him anyway, for leaving me alone with Cersei."

"We tried to warn her. She did not help. Oh, well... Everyone despises him, but it is always the Spider that has to fix things." concluded Varys complacently.

"What are you planning to do?"

"The more she loves, the more she has to lose. And nothing can't be accomplished with tears of Lys. Afterall, in the North there must still be some useless peasant that hates the King in the North for bending the knee to the foreign whore; we will blame it on him.".

"And you think this would make her angry enough?"

Varys smiled malignly "It might. If not, we will kill everyone she loves one by one. And that should do.".

In the Royal chambers

Daenerys was trying to convince Sir Jorah to accept a prize for everything he had done for her. 

"I would like to give you a title. I know you like Lady Lyanna very much, but Bear Island is yours as well."

"I am happier serving you, Your Grace."

"I know. And I am grateful for that. But I wish I could give you something else for your life, you deserved it.".

"I was a broken man when I met you. You gave me the chance to have my honour back."

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