Episode 3 - The night and the light

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Bran had travelled in a raven to spy on the Night King, and now the living were able to know from which direction the dead were going to attack. Therefore, the night before the arrival of the White Walkers was spent strategically relocating the various groups of fighters, hoping it could have given them some advantage when attacking the Night King and his army.


For the Night King had tried to capture Bran in the past, he had suggested he could be the bait: he had to stay somewhere easily reachable by the Night King, yet still far from the battle, as all needed for Bran to meet the Night King, with hope they could ... well, nobody understood that still. Bran was placed in the Godswood, surrounded by the Northmen led by Theon Greyjoy, who had arrived at the end of the day before, to make amend, after rescuing his sister. The whole smithery had spent the whole night, in the end, forging Arya's weapon: a five feet long halberd, with an axe and a spear on both ends, made entirely of dragonglass: that way, one could have stabbed two enemies at the same time, or, having it rotate, cut throats, and even if its two ends were to break, the dragonglass of the rod could still kill white walkers or their dead soldiers. The Northmen in the Godswood and in the field, less trained for battle than the Unsullied or the Dothraki, were armed with Arya's special halberd.


Sam, Tyrion, and Sansa could not fight in battle, but had knowledge and intelligence, which can be very powerful weapons: they were trying to put together all the fragments of the story they could find. To be useful, to be safe whilst doing so, yet having to be ready to act whenever they would have figure it out, they were located in the armory with all their books, with outside Brienne of Tarth, some Northmen, and Jamie Lannister, who had wanted to join to protect them.

Sam was restless, scared he would have died, and anxious about not understanding the connection between Bran and the Night King yet.

Sansa did not understand why Jon loved Sam so much: he was weak, and did not seem to do anything useful, ever. She was grateful Tyrion was there though, his presence calmed her, it had always had. He had managed to ease her stay in King's Landing, and that was quite the challenge. He was kind, in spite of what he had been through. Sansa was not really sure, however, if he could have ever forgotten he was a Lannister, if he could be trusted with her brother's secret. She had watched Tyrion say farewell to Jamie in the courtyard, that was not the sight of a man that had turned his back to his family. She wondered what would have been of his loyalty if they would have defeated the dead. She thought about herself: she had stayed in King's Landing with Cersei since when she was quite young, and then with Littlefinger, and then with Ramsey, and then finally with Jon. She was trying to be a good sister, but in fact she was jealous: she had always wanted to be queen, and now her bastard brother found out he is actually the King, and he did not want the throne. She was jealous of Daenerys as well, so gorgeous, so powerful, and Jon adored her. Sansa wondered if effectively she was still a Stark: a Stark would have fought to save Rickon, a Stark would not be seeking power; she, instead, was lucid, thinking only of taking back Winterfell. Well, there was no time of thinking about it now: a pile of books and a war were ahead of her.

Tyrion was fighting with his thoughts as well. He had just left his brother outside in the battlefield, they had not said much:

"I am sorry I was weak." had apologised Jamie.

"You are not weak. You are just desperately in love with the wrong woman. But now you are here." had replied Tyrion "It was a long journey but you're here." he paused "Are you sure you are ready to die far from Cersei?"

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