♛ S I X ♛

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Ok I know that this update is really delayed and I'm terribly sorry for that but I had some personal problems and also I had to re-write the chapter five times because I was never happy with it

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Ok I know that this update is really delayed and I'm terribly sorry for that but I had some personal problems and also I had to re-write the chapter five times because I was never happy with it. Also 2.5k reads!!! That is so overwhelming and I'm so thankful for everyone. Enjoy the chapter x

F L A S H B A C K [3 hours ago] :

When I finally processed that it was really them I was overjoyed. After two and a half years they were finally in front of me but definitely under different circumstances than I imagined because I went through every possible scenario in my head but being chained two the ground in some torture chamber wasn't one of them.
"You're very persistent, do you know that ?" Lucien Bianchi said, with an Italian accent very audible in his voice.
"I have no idea what you're talking about or why I am chained in some weird torture chamber." I replied barely keeping my anger at bay.
"Then I'll make it easier for you. Why have you been searching for me and who do you work for ?"
"Okay First i don't work for anyone and second you fucking knew I was looking for you and only decided to bring me here now. Did you know about me the hole time?" I was so angry that he knew about me but still wasted two and a half years of my life. He could have just said that he doesn't want me in his life. It would have made things easier for the both of us.
"Why would I help an enemy to find us?"
"Enemy? What are you talking about?"
"What are you talking about?" Questioned the younger Bianchi clearly confused.
"I was talking about the fact that he knew about my existence and didn't bother to tell me that he doesn't want me in his life. I wasted two and a half years trying to find a person who doesn't give a shit about me."
"Why would I give a shit about you?"
"Maybe because I'm your fucking daughter." I instantly regret saying that. I mean my mother possibly could have lied to me or I could have gotten the wrong person.
When I saw the lock on his face I knew that I was fucked. He doesn't believe me.
"Do you think this is funny? Do you really think i would believe you? You're pathetic." I hate to admit it but these words hurt.
"Just answer me one question and I'm gone. Did you have an affair with a women named Elenor Marshall while being in Russia in April and May 2001?"
He looked astounded. He probably thought about everything I just told him and if that is possible. But at least from the reaction I've gotten I can tell that it was definitely him who my mother was talking about.
"Questo è impossibile." [that is impossible]
"It's not impossible."
"You speak Italien ?"
"Obviously. I also speak four other languages."
"Stop changing the fucking topic." The younger Bianchi spat.
"I want a fucking DNA test. I don't believe a word she says until I get the results.
"Then make a DNA Test." I angrily spat back.
"Oh we will." He turned to the guy behind him. "Get the doctor." He said.
I actually forgot that the guy was in here too since he didn't say a word ever since I woke up.

After the 'great' conversation with my brother a doctor actually came to their mansion. He took blood samples from my father and me and said that it would take about two hours. So now my brother is showing me around the property.
"Why did you start searching for us now? I mean you could have done it before. Why now? Do you need money or what?" He asked and i was really offended by his last question. How dare he?
"Okay, first how dare you? You really think i spent two and a half years trying to find my father just to get his money and I if you even tried to get to know me before judging me then you'd know that I'm willing to work hard to get what i want. And I only started two and a half years ago because that was when my mother told me the truth. My whole life I thought her ex-husband was my father."
And why did she tell you so suddenly?" There was no remorse or and guilt for his previous comment. I don't know what I expected but an apology would have been nice.
"Because that was the day she died and she probably thought that I deserved the truth. I don't really know."
"I'm sorry for your loss." So he does know how to apologize just not for the right things.

Suddenly a maid came. Yes they are these kind of people who have tons of employees.
"The results are there. Mr.Bianchi wants me to accompany you to his study." She said and started walking. Well here we go...

Words: 849

Is anyone good at making covers or knows someone who is? If yes please message me

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Is anyone good at making covers or knows someone who is? If yes please message me. Thank you x

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