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  Rey and Ben looked their surprise. Ben put Rey's hand in his. And tried to smile. There was Luke. Luke Skywalker.
"I am happy to meet you after everything" said his uncle.
"I , I , I am not sorry about this night, but I apologise about everything else."
"I am sorry Ben."
"It is too late. The people already died. All of them."
  Luke was upset.
"But now you break the rules again. Jedi mustn't fell in love with someone and they mustn't had children."
"How do you know she she is pregnant?"
"I have watched you for a while."
"Ohh" said Rey and she blushed.
"Don't worry I missed some part" laughed Skywalker.
"Leia will be proud of you. Your father too."
Ben smiled.
"I think it's time to go to Resistance. Your mother is waiting you for a long time."
"I know, but I can't just go there. I don't want Rey to be in dangerous, because of I was monster."
"I am ok. And I think it is time to meet you mother again. She will have grandchild." Rey kisses his cheek.
Ben hugged her.
"And her grandchild will have beautiful mother."
"And father."
"Sweet conversation. But I am here for other." signed Luke. " I want to talk with you, nephew."
A man came closer to Luke.
" I don't want to said this to your girlfriend, because she will be worried and she will go to fight. And now she is pregnant. And she can't. She is very brave."
"Yeah she is. But what's the problem?"
"I am sure you felt it too. Darkness is awake. Our old friend is awake... Palpatine is backed. And whole galaxy is in dangerous. And your future child too. This time someone must to fight and kill him."
"And you want to be me.? But you said Jedi don't kill."
"This time is different. We kill only to protect us and our family."
"So I must to protect all of us. I think this situation is closed to my grandfather. He want to safes his husband and you and Leia. But...he became to Darth Vader. The most evil person in this galaxy. And when he died he felt a good in him. Is it my future?"
"You mustn't be afraid, Ben. Just thinking about that. I have to go." said his uncle and missed.
Ben signed and backed to Rey.
"What's going on"
"Ohh...nothing important. He just apologised to me again."
Ben was angry. He didn't want to lied Rey, but this was for her protection.
She was sitting on her bed and looking her belly.
"How is he or she."
"Today is happy."
Ben touched it.
"I love it when you do this."smiled Rey."
"So I will do it usually." he kissed her.
"Ben I think something is different. I felt something new in a force."
"So you felt it?"
"I think darkness is backed."
"Don't be afraid. I am here. The only thing who you must to do, be careful. Our baby have to be safe."

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