old friends

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a new day. a new surprise.

A man was scared, because he was remembering his uncle's words. He wanted to keep in safe his family, but he needed a help.
He looked his love. She was sleeping yet.
"Good morning, princess"he touched her lips.
She looked tired, but she tried to smile.
"Ohh you look like a sick monster."
"I can't sleep this night. But I am ok. "
She got up, but Ben go back her into bed again.
"Stay here and relax, I will go to make a something like breakfast. We are didn't have this for week." Then he looked worried and scared. " Rey how days past of your pregnant"
"I think is week week. Why?"
"Because looks like two months"
A girl saw her belly. She wanted to scream.
"He or she growing up to fast. We don't know when he wanted to born"
Ben looked more scared than me.
"We must to go to Nabbu again...Stay here I will make breakfast and we will decide what to do."

Ben ran to one tree. There was someone fruit. Then he take some milk from one creature.
He backed and together they having breakfast.
"Did you hear that" asked a girl.
"What?" a man touched her cheek.

They hear a sound. A ship sound. A similar ship sound.
"Is this The Mileniom Falcon"
Ben looked at the window.
"It is"

Two young people went out of the ship.
"Rey where are you?"-Rose said.

Rey put her hand at Ben's and both of them get out of the house.
They looked Finn's angry eyes.His first words was:

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