a resistance

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Finn was sad today like every day ever since Rey was missed. Poe came.
"Sad me you have good news" answers Finn
"No.But we have news..."
"We are 100% sure she is with Ren"
"So you believe me now"
"I don't think he is kidding her...
Leia entered at the room.
"I think I know where are they " said General Organa "My son is back" she said quality.
"Not to rush to get to the conclusion" answered Finn."We are not sure he didn't kill her."
"We have one choice. I think there are in Luke's island. And we should go there. Finn,Rouse this is your mission."
"No I don't want to see how my friend is kidnapping .
"You are go tomorrow!" said General angry.
Finn sighed.
"Let's do it"

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