in the beginning

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It was dark. rey walked at the forest and she
heard a lightsaber. Then she saw a red lightsaber. It was Ren,s. Rey didn't want to have fight with him.
" Ben" she said "Please come back at home"
" I am at home. Leader Snoke is back" he answered and he aimed the weapon at her body.
She felt a painRen was killed her

Rey screamed.
" A nightmare again." her favourite voice asked.
"Ohh...yes" she said and put her had on the other human arm. " I can't sleep lately"
" I know i fell it too. The force is awoke.The darkness is more powerful now. And I am afraid... I don't want to be.... a monster like before"-said a human with clenched teeth.
"No.You never be misguided again. I promise" said Rey "Because now you are the man who I love. You are BEN SOlO"
Ben shivered. He was not used to his old name.
"And I promise you will never fell alone again. You never will fell a pain again.You are not alone ,Rey."
"Neither are you,Ben"
And both laughed at those words.
"But this time doesn't be enough just to touch your hand,Rey" said Ben and smiled.
" I love this smile" laughed Rey.
"And I love this lips" said him and he pressed his lips into hers. Then he interwoven his hands into hers.
After some minutes Rey smiled.
"Now" said Ben"I fell better"
Rey kisses his cheek. Ben started caress Rey and said quietly
"Tell me about your nightmare. I am worried about you.
She shivered.
"I can't...Just I felt a dark in myself. I am afraid,but Ben is time..."
And both of them looked worried.
"Yeah I know is time to

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