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Leia was sitting in the ship when she saw Finn.
"Why did not you go yet?"- asked she.
" Sorry General. I am going now... "
"Look Finn, I know I want to many for you, but please try to understand me.
I am afraid my son can hurt Rey somehow or maybe do worse thing. But on the other hand I am think maybe he is change and he is...
" You think he is back" Finn shouted.
"If he hurt Rey I will kill him, I swear."
"Thinking before you talking" said Leia angry.
Just in time Rose and Poe came.
" Hey,Finn. Let's go."
Finn put Rose's hand and both went to the ship.
"We will arrive at Luke's island after one day. "-told Rose.
She lit the engine and they took off.

After one hour or two Finn wake up. He didn't remember when he is slept. And Rose had scared face:
"The fuel is over, but we are finding at halfway down the road."
"And now what we will do"
"I tried to send signal to resistance, but they didn't ansered to us."
"How many hour I am slept"
"10 hours"-she laughed.
" Ohh idiot"
Both of them laughed.
"But it is not time for laughed. "
"We have only one choice. Send signal to Luke island. If Rey is ok, she will come, "--sighed Finn.
One loud sound went to Luke's island.

Rey opened her eyes. She was heart a loud sound. What is this? Are her friend need a help of her. -she thought. Are they in dangerous.
" Ben did you heart this?

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