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I am living in an old town of Transylvania and is the middle of a beautiful late autumn day .
I am looking outside the National Library window, the cold rain is smashing on to the glass while the wind moving frenetically outside as if caring with him whispers every time is touching the steamed glass in front of me .
One red - yellow leaf had fallen from almost naked trees whom are standing for years testimony of people passing by,from up here they look same as guardians of the place,totally magnificent ,tall and misterious.
With their untold stories are sometimes serving as shelters of late drop rains in autumn, or as shadow in late summers for new students ready to step on the land of lectures and knowledges of the word or just they simply serving as partners for the pairs of lovers as old as times ,sneaking to teast the sweetness of a kiss.
I am contemplating to the beautiful cold gray view in front of me with the deepest of my heart and soul, a feeling of an wanderer human being.
My eyes are delighted on the art created by every day normality, the stillness of the street and the rush of the people passing by.
Some are laughing , some are carrying worries and fights as old as the world and some are so sad .
Some are just simply taking photos of this mystical building partner of the time itself.
In one of the corner of the library entrance, while, an young pair is hugging and offer tenderness to each other,an old lady is trying to climb the stairs to meet again her dreams and illusions build up from an old storyline.
-Oh, and now, this beautiful simple old lady ,how years passed true her so gentle !?
Coming almost every day to do her regular lectures of lovers and mystics of the forest.
She's been fanatic of the folklore of forest and all kinds of witch tales and in a strange way she become my good friend ,Mara Padureanu, but sometimes honestly , i do see ,some strange behavior from her.
But now the rain fall grows, making people running on the shelters living the place in a solitude mood.
I am watching still in the beautiful silence and the rain pouring in rivers ,carrying the fallen leaves away to an unknon place same as the dreams in the middle of the cold nights.
My soul is wondering in far places now due to the book i am holding, blended with the smell of fresh coffee poured into an antique mud cup, hand ornamented by the peasants on the time of gipsys abomination, the prolific color combination between the innocence of pure white and crimson red as the blood, symbol of renewal of a lost love .
Lost in that hypnotic state out of nowhere ,my heart starts pumping very fast, like a hummingbird above the nectar of a flower, suddenly my hands become cold but full of sweet.
With my eyes wide opened , tracing one cord of water mixed with the yellow leaves moving rapidly and at the end of that blending, I can distinguish a male pair of vintage dark shoes.
The golden stripes of hair are sticking on my forehead which is now fully covered by drops of water ,the big black framed eyeglass i am wearing it becomes steamy ,my blood is simply running like ice true my veins.
I never had this feeling before in my entire life, as if my body was reacting to what I was seeing .
I look as hypnotic to this tall man siluet wearing a dark coated suite and a white shirt with the neck raptured in a white male silky ribbon, his hair dark as the raven reaches at his upper shoulders and dancing at the touching wind .
His head was covered by a poine hat wich matches perfectly with all his ensemble.
Peculiar appearance on this part of the world, catching my whole being .
I tried to see his face but all is just a bluerd image true the window, my head resting on the steamed glass traing to distinguish the face of the mystery man, but it was impossible, i couldn't see anything then at once, i start to feel my full body cold as ice as if pricked by thousands of needles.
The feeling surrounded me was so familiar, my heart strangely was full of joy and excitement like seeing the loved one long gone and his returning back home.
My eyes widened even more to catch his face, I moved the heavy hand up and i wiped the window glass traing to make it more visible but the pouring rain became more and more making the view even harder.
But now in the thick vapors created by the rain similar to a white bride's vail, the siluet is just a dark blend with nature,his fading , but his presence is lingering there impacting me to the deepest core of my spirit.
I had to reach to him,i had to see him and like a force possessed me making my body be in high alert.
I jumped up and run away outside of the library, it was just few stairs and i was on the side street, my eyes wondered in all the sides of the wet alee in front of me but i could not find him anymore, it vanished, like he was not there but just a trace of a smell like the old book pages, mixed with white musk, still lingers in the air which invades my senses.
Breathing heavily i tried to inhale inside of me that beautiful smell as much as i could take, afraid it will vanished to soon before i can absorb it deep within my very heart and soul, even imprinted it in to my veins .
I was turning and turning trying to find him but it was all in vain, he was not there and now the rain washed away even the smell he left behind.
I stayed there for a while ,unableto leave ,in the middle of the side walk, with my head fall back and tears started to fall uncontrollable mixing with the cold rain, drop by drop it touches my lips, the tip of the nose washing my longing away, is like the sky was craing with me and for me today, the cold ashes sky.
In this state of madness i can here as if it came from the long distance, a thought of a whisper:
-Ana,Ana....Ana!!!!It's me i am here!!!! i snapped out of that phase and i start looking around for that taunting voice but nothing, absolutely enormous nothing ,completely void atmosphere, as if nothing have happened!!!!!
Is it all in my mind again or this is really happening!!!?????
Oh My Lord ,lately i start very often to doubt my sanity but in same time it feels so real and one thing's for sure, that man must be real and all my existence is just about to feel him over and over again!!!!!!

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