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Mister Lupescu lay gently my scared and trembling body on the comfortable bed ,he allowed Mara to hold my head while he position the soft pillow serving as support for my neck while the others were waiting outside in respect of my state .
The beautiful fresh clean smell of the cotton linen gives me this feeling of calming purity ,the only sound we can here in the room now is coming from the playfull sparks made by the burning wood as if little stars were born and die at the same time.
The dancing shadows from the fier flames reflected on the wall catching an icon showing an archangel with a sword in his right hand.
All this  gives the room a dramatic look ,all is so mystic in this place but at same time so rooted within the real life by his simplicity.
Now Mister Lupescu turned his back to us facing the door to give us the privacy we need, he is just looking like a big bad wolf ,guarding his most treasured pray in a full moon ,this man really is more protective then i ever imagined.
Once i came in to my normal state, Mara she made me wear this darken cream linen dress, which reaches until the sacred ground ,with long sleeves covering my arms showing just the delicate white hands .
On the upper part the design was simple, the culler is liniar with a border of hand made stiched small lemon flowers on each attached two green leaves, while the rest is simple straight cut reaching to the ground .
To finish the look a long dark cape was keept on my shoulders to keep me warm specially in to the cold night between the walls of Argat monastery.
After they arranged me and made sure i was more comfortable Mara looked to me with her eyes full of kindness and worry and she asked me:
-Ana, you're ready now to let them in?
That time Mister Lupescu turned to face me and was already near the door waiting for my approval and he said:
-It's okay?I can,let them inside?
I make a small gesture from the head in approval and i said in a lower but calmer voice:
-Yes!!!They can all come inside, I am ready ,is time!!!
He then opened gently the door of the room and let them all inside, one by one they come in, each carrying with them a small antique silver box with an encrusted symbol on it in their left hand and a wax candle on the right hand and they all sited around my bed making a human cercal.
Their simple presence is emanating this power that you can't ever imagine, even my words now are so empty to describe the atmosphere created by them.
All is ,as if, the full forces of darkness and light were there tonight, even their shadows were so huge that it reached until the cealling and i, was in the center of it.
I couldn't stop noticing that their eyes were shinier as if the purest water of a mountain river just lingers in them, the way they carry themselves with pride, dignity and some sort of mystery they all are just simply, so beautiful and extremely powerful.
In this moment of silence the old monk started to wisper something like a small prayer while out of nowhere their candles lighted alone illuminating the entire room.
,,Run free, run wild let your soul be carried by us tonight.
In the world of truth step aside with us, where you're old spirit will know each one of us.
Meet you're lover, seek you're friends know you're family you represent.
Come with us and do believe ,you will change the new world, once you will step in.,,
-My friends this night we gather here to open the door of knowledge and truth!!!!!!!
We all call upon Ana Constantin to join us in to ODAIA TIMPULUI(ROOM of TIME),from ARGAT monastery!!!the monk said in a grave tone and Mara gave me her hand to follow them.
I grabbed Mara's hand and i stepped outside, they all got out from my room in this etheric slow walk so majestic and ritualic ,with their heads covered by the dark long capes and leading the way to our destination, all this events gives me shivers down my spine.
We are passing thru a dense garden lighted by the few candles which are burning slowly, the wind is slightly blowing tonight,moving the green leaves of the pines tree.
In to the far proximity in the silence of the night the only thing you could hear was the flowing river ,a sound so divine as if the soul itself was runing ,making the surroundings looked so calm and so peaceful,a some sort of stilness on the run.
The monk was leading us now to some small sters which are going deeper into the heart of the earth ,while suddenly our candles started to light brighter the way showing this huge dark corridor wrapped in a dense mist.
The further we walked, we formed pairs by 2 people, Mara walked near this mysterious Matei Corvin, Mister.Lupescu next to Mister Vladimir, Doc.Dragomir with the monk his names is Stefan Dobre (dobre=the kind)and only me i was left alone behind them .
We keep moving on this path but the more we go deeper i started to feel this amazing smell of wooden sentence lingering into the air and thick white smoke raising to the sky like clouds which is making the place look more holly and full of mysticism.
As we continue our slow ,soft walk , I start hearing the most beautiful song that i ever heard ,it was a lament song. The voice was mesmerizing ,out of this world, enchanting and alluring all of us .
A melody i will never forget in my life, the pain from that woman's voice it could only belong to a mother who give her son to the eternal sleep.
The grief within her voice is excruciating,echoed thru out the dark corridors filling the place with so much ethereal elegance.
We keep following the sound of the voice, which becomes more prominent with every step we get closer and closer until we reach to this huge marble doors.
The monk enchanted a few words known by him only in a lower tune and at once the strongest click behind the doors was herd and then he pushed by his hands this huge doors as if he break an old seal.
Once we entered inside was not what i expected to see at all,beside the iminenent cold.
The first time i touch the ground with my feet it was like i was carried into a world of marble statues, symbols of wolves howling , ravens with their wings spread ,all was to be seen among the tall pine trees with their never ending green color all is grandiose.
  Curiosity took over me ,and my eyes started to inspect this place even deeper.
The place was like a huge garden with red and white roses giving so beautiful smell, a statue representing a small angel pointing the sky, other was showing an embraced sleepy couple offering the eternal kiss, other was a woman with her hands folded on her heart while from one of her eye is dripping a red drop.
Few other statues were figures of lovers holding hands while from one of their eye was dripping a small red tear, others were white marble stones with a cross above them surrounded by white roses holded by two marble candles,
At the front of the gates was sited 2 enormous white angels with marble wings one holding a sward and the other a spear ,trully the soldier of the realms gates.
The snow fall from the sky was getting stronger and it is just divine ,in the corners and in front of every statue were placed dozens of white candles burning slowly, the light of the moon was reflecting in the water of the small lake placed in the center of the place, creating this beautiful dancing shapes which are giving life to the statues around.
And all of this mysterious splendore , the only witness's of this place were the shining stars above and us.
-What is this place ,so beautiful and special???And whos voice is that ,is simply breaking the walls of my soul ,is so sad?????i asked full of curiosity and completely drawn by that voice.
I could leave everything i know just to follow to that voice ,find her and confort that mother,i was in utter spell ,only an invisible force makes me keep the pace behind the grup.
-Not now Ana, show one of you're virtue ,beautiful girl!!!!!said Mister Vladimir.
-Which is?i said a bit annoyed by his comment.
-Patience!!!!!he said in a whisper and looking back to me while bringing his pointed finger to the lips making the sign of quiet, when the others where walking in this solemn silence.
-A graveyard!!!!The oldest one from Romania ,actually!!! whisper Mister.Lupescu near my ear, so low i could barely here.
-And all of this statues represents the symbols of a blood line, of an entire family!!!said Doc.Dragomir.
-And the voice belongs to a real fairy!!!!The legend said a human lady asked her to sing for her lost son ,in this way he knows he will never be forgotten, is more of a gypsy ritual and very few can hear her enchanting voice!!!
-But i guess, the son was really special one!!!!Matei Corvin said in his tenebrous voice.
-Sometimes ,the grief lingers more then the memories, I guess!!!!i said inhaling a deep air, as if i was chocked.
While we passed true several statues on the small alley we stopped in front of an wooden door closed with an iron old lock, covered by green vine leaves with grapes hanging on, ready to be eaten. Monk Stefan, unlocked the door and they all stepped inside then he turned to me and stopped in front of the door saying:
-Ana Constantin are you sure you want to come inside? Once you step in here you're hall life will change, everything you know is normal now it will change ,nothing will be the same anymore, even you will change too in time!!!????
-Brother Stefan ,this choice i made it already, when i come here from Transylvania!!!I wasn't fitting into the real world and i HOPE that in this place I'll find my way ,I came here in search for the truth about myself and to receive an answer to my question .
Whom is Demir Brancoveanu for me ,Ana?i said looking straight into the monk eyes with power.
-Then so be it!!!It's you're own will!!!!
-You may step inside and join us, Ana Constantin ,the direct descended of the mighty Emperor Constantine!!!he said in a solemn, formal voice.
-Pardon me, brother Stefan ,what you did, just said, now ?i said in confusion.
-Yes Ana, you heard me perfectly! Today, here and now you are representing in the sacred confrere cercal, the blood line of the Emperor Constantin the builder and the pillar of the creed,you are his direct descended !he said firm, while others they approved.
-Now are you coming inside or not???he asked again deepening the words to make me take a decision in assuming his statement.
If i was choosing to go inside i was to accept his claim and start searching some truths more mysterious then i thought initially, but now this internal battle is enormous, right now ,is clouding my judgment.
On one side i could just give up on all of this and turned back home ,to my books, to my plants ,my walks with Mister.Lupescu on the evenings,preparing him my lemonade, his favorite liquor, listening for hours to Mister Vladimir reciting his poems and stealing his red rose ,to Mara's care and stories about the forest but on the other hand are the dreams and Demir with this unspoken love and the search of the truth.
But now let me be honest, whom can define normal ?
Whom can decide what is truth and what is lie, and besides Demir's face looks soo beautiful ,i must choose based on my feelings and i said with my hand gripping the candle and head hold high in pride:
-YES, i will definitely ,come inside!!!!and with that i agree to the new world ahead of me ,and once i entered ,the door closed harsh behind me echoing to the entire room as if sealing my decision.
Whom really knows what this new world will bring for me, or how it will end, or does it, really ends?????
Am i really a descended ,a carrier of a blood line ?
In this moment it looks the right thing to do for me.
My love for Demir Brancoveanu is deeper than I ever have imagined, he stands behind my decision ,a man of my dream ,of my imagination is controlling so much of my mind, i could agree to give my all life just to see him for a moment ,touch his face with my hands, holding each other thigh ,even for a mere second.
Or maybe brother Stefan is right in all of this ,maybe ,just maybe our real life and what we call home is among the truth of the past.
After all we carry in our blood the information of our ancestors, we inherited their characteristics ,we borrowed from their habits and qualities of their minds, i guess that is why is so important to them to know whom you are and where you coming from ,what genetic information we carry through our vain.
Or in reality my hesitation was ruled by fear ,what if i don't like what i will found out?
But only few of us has given the privilege to know the story of their ancestors, so i might as well enjoy it also ,what can be that extraordinary bad ,right?

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