Chapter 1

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Narrator: This is a story about two neighboring Sides that were part of what was known as the Sanders Kingdom. Side by side, but worlds apart. All along the border between them, magical flowers grew. Primroses that bloomed between the Light and the Dark. They are used to make love potion. Because after all, everybody deserves to be loved.

*In a meadow in the Light Kingdom, Virgil is flying around in his wedding suit, making a boutonniere to give to his groom, Deamon*

Words in bold are sung.

V- Wise men say
Only fools, only fools rush in.
But I can't help
Falling in love with you.
Shall I say
Would it be, would it be a sin?
*Accidentally bumps a turtle while dancing around in the air* Whoops, sorry bout’ that!
That I can't help
Falling in love with yo- *Gets thwacked in the face with a flower* Ow, what the heck!? *Looks back at the flower that hit him* Primroses? *Looks around and sees he's in the Dark Side of the kingdom*. Oh, no. *Turns around and sees goblins starting to surround him* I-I didn't mean to. Hey, back off! *Flies out of reach before they can grab him* Ok, ok, I'm leaving! *Flies off as fast as he can*

*Two goblins walk over to where he was and pick up a petal that had fallen when Virgil flew in*

Thang- Was he trying to steal primrose petals!?

Stuff- We better tell His Majesty.

*They start running off to the Dark Palace*

Thang- He's not gonna be very happy.

Stuff- Don't worry about it, I'll tell him.

Thang- Thanks!

~Small time skip~

*They enter the large throne room and carefully approach the throne, where Roman, the King of the Dark Side, was sitting*

Stuff- Your majesty, we bring news from our borders! *Elbows Thang* *Whispering* Tell him.

Thang- *Whispering* What!? You said YOU would!

Stuff- I changed my mind. Go! *Shoves Thang forward*

Thang- Gah! *Looks down at his feet nervously* Well, you see, it uh-

Roman- Hurry up.

Thang- A, um, royal member of the Light Side flew into our Side of the forest-

Roman- What?

Thang- And we think he was trying to steal a primrose?

Roman- A primrose!? *Stabs his sword into the ground* Those Light creatures are such fools. *Gestures to them with his sword* I want every available creature out there eradicating every last primrose! No primroses, no potion. No potion, no love. Because love... is an illusion. It corrupts, it destroys you. It breaks a man apart. And what is left of a man when he has been shattered? Broken, jagged shards that can only cut those who try to put them back together. Destroy the primroses! Or I will destroy you.

*Thang quickly leaves to gather any creature he could find outside the Palace walls while Stuff searched the castle for any stragglers*

~Another small time skip~

*In the depths of the Palace*

E- *Pops out from around a corner* Stuff!

Stuff- Aah! Oh, hey Emile.

E- I need you to help me with something.

Stuff- Uh, I'm a little busy at the mo-.

E- You know how ever since Kingy up there banned love, everyone has felt absolutely dreadful?

Stuff- ...Nope.

E- Oh, come on! Don't you want to see love return to our part of this spooky, broody forest?

Stuff- ...Not really.

E- All we have to do is find him his perfect match and he’ll see just how great love can be! I think I found him the perfect- Hey, I told you to wait for my signal! *Starts talking to some random person he found wandering around the forest*

Stuff- *Sneaks away while he’s distracted*

So yeah, this was the first chapter of my new story. I know not a lot happens, but let me know how I did! And don't worry, the good stuff happens in the next chapter with Deamon, aka Deceit(yes, this is the name I decided for him). Also, the video above is of the song Virgil is singing. The part where it changes scenes happens in chapter 3, so it does give spoilers.

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