Chapter 4

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I don't know how to describe a panic attack or how to really help someone who's having one, but I tried my best.

*Later in Virgil’s bedroom where he's having a panic attack on the floor*

L- *Knocks on Virgil's door* Prince Virgil? Are you in there?

V- *Tries to answer, but can't get enough air to speak*

L- Your Highness, I'm coming in. *Opens the door* I hope I'm not intruding, but- *Sees him shaking in a ball on the floor, crying and hyperventilating* Virgil! *Rushes over to him*

V- *Tries to speak* H- H- Hel-

L- Shh. It's alright. It's going to be okay. We've dealt with this before, you know it will end.

V- *Shakes his head and whimpers*

L- Yes, it will. I promise you it will. You have to trust me. Just focus on my voice. *Starts rubbing his back*

V- *Hesitates before nodding his head*

L- Okay, now breathe, just like we practiced. Inhale for four seconds...

V- *Starts following his instructions*

L- Hold it in for seven seconds...

V- *Starts calming down*

L- Now slowly let it out for eight seconds... You're doing great. Keep it up, Virgil.

V- *Repeats until he's calmed down enough to sit up and talk again* Logan?

L- Yes?

V- *Quickly pulls him into a hug* Thank you.

L- *Sits there, awkwardly patting his back* Um, you're welcome.

V- *Pulls back and hugs his knees to his chest*

L- That was a fairly large attack. Would you like to tell me what happened to cause this?

V- … No.

L- Virgil, it may make you feel better to talk out your problems, rather than keeping them trapped inside.

V- I... I uh,... I don't think I can. Not right now.

L- Are you sure?

V- Yeah. I think I just need to be alone right now.

L- *Sigh* As you wish. But just know that I'll always be here if you need someone to talk to. *Places a hand on his shoulder*

V- Hm. Thanks.

L- Of course, Your Hi-, Virgil. *Pats his shoulder before walking to the door*

V- Hey, Logan?

L- *Pauses just before he closes the door*

V- Could you do me a favor?

L- Anything.

V- Could you tell my dad that the wedding’s canceled?

L- Canceled?

V- *Looks away and rubs his wrist* Yeah…

L- …Of course. *Thinks* ‘That slimey son-of-a-b****’ *Closes the door behind him as he leaves*

Begin song from video above

V- *Sighs* What do you get when you fall in love?
A guy with a pin to burst your bubble
That's what you get
For all your trouble
I'll never fall in love again
What do you get when you kiss a boy?
You get enough germs to catch a fever
Then straight away, he'll up and leave you
I'll never fall in love again
No, I'll never fall in love again
Don't tell me what it's all about

Fairy Maids- All about

V- 'Cause I've been there
And I'm glad I'm out
Out of those chains,
Those chains that bind you
That is why I'm here to remind you

Fairy Maids- Here to remind you

Me again. Just wanna say that Virgil does get an edgier wardrobe change like in the movie that resembles his actual outfit, but more medieval, like a patched cloak instead of a hoodie(I am working on drawing his outfit, so you know what I'm talking about). He also starts wearing eye shadow, because he wasn't wearing any before, and foundation to cover his freckles. I'll explain why later on in the story.

V- What do you get when you give your heart?
You get it all broken up and battered
Yeah, that's what you get,
A heart that's shattered
I'll never fall in love again
No, I'll never fall in love again
No, I'll,
Never fall in love,

Strange Magic-Prinxiety AUWhere stories live. Discover now