chapter twelve

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"Daryl, we can't go on for much longer like this. We don't have any water, or food," Logan stated. Daryl sighed and turned to look at her and Beth. "It ain't safe here. We gotta keep movin'," he replied.

They walked for a bit longer before Beth fell to the ground with a small scream. "You alright Beth?" She nodded, trying to stand up before falling back to the ground. "Its my ankle, I can't walk on it." Logan helped her to stand, throwing Beth's arm around her shoulders to support her. "I got 'er. Let's keep goin'," Logan demanded. Daryl grabbed Beth's other arm and helped Logan support her weight as they moved on.

"Fuckin' hell, that was a big spider!" Logan screeched. "Yer tellin' me, you can fight off walkers without no trouble, but yer afraid of spiders? " Daryl chuckled. Beth laughed with him as Logan blushed, in embarrassment. "Look, spiders are fucking creepy. Nothing should have more than 6 legs, alright?"


The trio sat in silence around a small fire, munching on the snake that Daryl had caught with his crossbow. "I'm happy we have food, but I don't think I will ever eat snake again," Logan mumbled. Daryl smirked a bit, "It tastes like chicken," he joked. Logan and Beth both shook their heads. "It does not taste like chicken," Beth grimaced.

"So on a more serious note," Logan started, "what are we supposed to do? Do we try an' find the rest of the group?" "Yes," Beth said immediately. Daryl's eyes flicked between the two hopeful girls, knowing there was only a small chance that the whole group was still alive. "I think we should focus on stayin' alive fer now," Daryl suggested. "If we find 'em while we're doin' that, then okay." Logan frowned, "Don't you want to find them?" "I didn' say 'at. But we needa keep ourselves alive," Daryl insisted.

They sat quietly for a while, taking in the quietness of the night. "What were you going to college for Logan?" Beth asked. Logan smiled a little at the mention of the pre-apocalypse world. "Psychology. I was gonna be a counselor," Logan said fondly. "I wanted to help people, ya'know?" "That's really sweet Logan. I think you would've made a great counselor," Beth smiled. "Thanks Bethy. That means a lot." Beth smiled back at her, glancing at Daryl who was sitting and silently watching Logan.

"Okay, you guys are two of the most awkward people I have ever met. And I watched Glenn and Maggie's weird little 'thing' for weeks at the farm." Logan glanced sideways at Daryl who sat still, staring at the ground. "I feel like I'm in high school again," Logan joked. Daryl raised an eyebrow, "What's 'at supposed ta mean?" Logan smiled, "When I was in high school, I had a crush on one of my friends. The rest of my friends knew, they made my life a livin' hell," she chuckled. "Always pushed me to make a move, confess my undying love for him. Finally, I did."

"What happened?" Beth asked. "He laughed at me. Said I wasn't girlfriend material." "Daryl disagrees," Beth grinned. Logan looked over at Daryl, leaning against his shoulder. "I do," Daryl said quietly. She smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist. "I'm gonna go to sleep," Beth announced.

Beth laid down on the ground, falling asleep quickly afterwards. "You're quiet. Have you always been so quiet?" Logan asked. Daryl nodded, "My whole life sweetheart." Logan smiled tiredly,  "You're a real softy when it's just me an' you. Why is that?" "Gotta keep up appearances darlin'," he joked.

"Where'd you learn about huntin' and trackin' and all that?" Logan asked. "My brother. My ol' man was a prick, had to do a lot on our own." He said. "I'm sorry," Logan whispered. "It ain't yer fault darlin'. Got nothin' to be sorry fer." "I know. Still sorry though."

"Logan, don't be givin' me any damn pity," he snapped. "Daryl don't snap at me! Calm your ass down a bit, alright? We don't gotta talk about it no more, okay?" Daryl nodded and they sat quietly for a while. "Sorry I snapped at ya," he said quietly. "It's okay."


Daryl hiked Beth up higher on his back. Logan walked next to them, carrying Daryl's crossbow so that he could hold Beth. "Is that a house?" Logan took her eyes off the ground at the sound of Beth's voice. "Holy shit." Daryl readjusted Beth once more, gripping her a little tighter.

"I'll go first. You've got Beth, it'll be easier for me to clear the place," Logan insisted. "Like hell ya are. Ya ain't goin' in there by yerself Logan," Daryl growled. "Daryl, you can't do much of anything with a person on your back. I'll be in an' out, simple as that." Daryl clenched his jaw, grinding his teeth as he debated. "Ya got yer gun?" Logan nodded, pulling it out of her little red backpack. "Ya use that if ya need to. I don' care if yer not sure 'bout it, protect yerself." "Yes sir," Logan grinned.

Logan loaded her gun and slipped it into her waistband. Pulling out her knife, she knocked on the front door, listening for any noise coming from the inside. Hearing nothing, she opened the door and stepped inside. She stomped her boot on the hardwood floor, double checking for walkers. Logan walked through the house, checking every room and closet for any sign of the dead.

Daryl and Beth waited a little ways away from the house, nervously waiting for Logan to return. "She shoulda been back by now," Daryl grumbled. "Logan can handle herself, Daryl. She'll be back soon," Beth promised. As if that was her que, Logan stepped out of the house and waved them over.

"This place is good. Not exactly the nicest, but its someone's home," Logan said. "Fer now, its ours," Daryl told them. Beth sat down on the dusty couch, relaxing into it. "This place isn't bad." Logan nodded in agreement. "Come on," she gestured to Daryl, "We should search the kitchen."

That Little Red Backpack*Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now