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Logan walked through Alexandria, her mind wandering through the past few years. All those times she and the group were fighting for their lives, these people were happy and carefree. She didn't even understand how that was possible.

She passed Rick and Michonne in their new police uniforms, smiling and waving to both of them. They smiled back at her and continued their rounds.

"Logan!" She turned around with a grin, Daryl and Gabe were walking towards her. "Hey buddy," she smiled. Daryl walked up, wrapping an arm around her waist and kissing her forehead. A small smile adorned his face as Gabe explained their hunt to Logan, not forgetting a single detail.

"Daryl let me shoot the crossbow!" He finished with a shout. Gabe was 5 years older now, but he was still the same hyper, excitable little brother she had always known.

Logan smiled down at him, ruffling his hair. "That sounds like a blast. I'm glad you two had fun." Gabe bounced around, reminding Logan of when he used to get a sugar rush. Daryl leaned in to whisper in her ear, "He's just like ya, the first time I taught ya." Logan grinned and reached up to peck his lips. He kissed her back happily, pulling her in front of him so he could kiss her properly. "Ew, that's my sister dude!" Logan pulled away with a laugh and Daryl shook his head with a smile adorning his dirty face. He still refused to take a shower.

Gabe ended up leaving the couple to go hang out with his friends. He had taken a liking to Carl and the older boy was more than happy to have him around. Rick loved the idea of Carl getting to essentially be a big brother to a little boy, who he could teach and help and make sure that Gabe had the childhood that was ripped so suddenly from Carl.

Logan and Daryl ended up back in their house. They took in Gabe as soon as they moved in, offering the same to Enid, but she declined. Instead, she had the offer of living with Glenn and Maggie.

They sat peacefully on the sofa, Logan leaned up against Daryl's chest as he ran his hands through her long hair. "Yer hair is so soft," he murmured. Logan laughed and sat up slightly to look at him. "That's because I took advantage of our new showering privilege. You should do the same." He gave her a cheeky grin when he responded, "I thought ya liked me dirty?" Logan rolled her eyes with an amused smile, "I'd probably like ya better clean." Daryl chuckled, "Damn woman, alright. Ya gonna join me?"

Logan was finishing up in the shower while Daryl went to their bedroom, a towel wrapped around his waist being the only thing he had on at the moment. He walked over to the dresser, pulling out a pair of jeans and boxers. His eye was drawn to the shining ring he had hidden in his drawer. He had found it only a couple days before while on a run with Aaron to look for supplies. It was a small dainty little thing, but he knew it was perfect for her. All that was left now was to find the perfect moment to ask her. He didn't know how he would do it yet, but he figured he'd know when the time came. Basically, he was winging it.

Daryl heard the shower shut off and quickly placed the ring back in his drawer and went to find a shirt. Everyone was to gather at Glenn and Maggie's for dinner, per request of the pregnant woman herself.

Logan came into the room as Daryl pulled his shirt over his head and down to cover his torso. Logan went to the closet, picking out her clothes and dressing faster than Daryl had. "Are you ready?" Daryl nodded as he pulled his boots on. Logan buttoned her jeans and followed suit, pulling her combat boots on and lacing them up,

The couple left their home hand in hand on their way to their friend's house. They arrived shortly after, coming face to face with the rest of the group, plus Gabe, standing around in various downstairs rooms conversing. Carol, Beth, and Maggie stood in the kitchen to finish up their dinner, everyone else in their own conversations about what it's been like to be here.

Rick spotted the two of them and smiled, calling them over to join him and Michonne. Rick already had a glass of wine in his hand, Michonne as well. "Ooh, where'd you get that!" Logan asked enthusiastically. Rick chuckled and nodded over to the kitchen. Logan excused herself and made her way over, saying hello to everyone as she passed.

Rick looked back over to Daryl after Logan had left. "Have you asked her yet?" Daryl shook his head, his shaggy hair falling down in front of his eyes. "Asked her what?" Michonne looked between the two suspiciously before it dawned on her. "Oh, my God. You're going to ask her? Do you have a ring?" Daryl nodded, brushing the hair from his eyes. "Yeah, got it the other day when me an' Aaron went out." Michonne smiled and congratulated him, quickly silencing herself when Logan came back carrying a glass of wine and a smaller glass containing bourbon for her soon-to-be fiancé. Though that was unknown to her.

A few minutes later, Maggie called everyone into the dining room to eat. The three cooks, plus Glenn and Merle helped to carry the food from the kitchen. Logan and Daryl sat near the end of the table, Rick on the very end with Michonne across from Daryl. Gabe had taken the seat next to his big sister and Enid took the one beside him.

As everyone got seated, Rick raised his glass of wine, "Before we start, I'd like to thank Glenn and Maggie for having us over tonight." Everyone agreed and expressed their thanks, "We should make this a weekly thing," Logan decided. "That sounds like a great idea Logan," Rick smiled.

"Look how far we've come. From that quarry, to the CDC. The Greene's farm, to the prison. We got separated, but we made it back to each to each other. We'll always make it back to each other. Because we're family, and that's what family does. We have survived with each other, and we wouldn't with out each other. We've lost some really good people to get here, but I hope that they would forgive us. So tonight, we will remember our lost. We will remember their sacrifice and we'll remember our family."

That Little Red Backpack*Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now