chapter eighteen

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"Where have you guys been?!" Carol exclaimed. "All over the place. Mostly the woods," Logan answered with a small smile. Carol hugged her tightly for the hundredth time, "I've missed you so much. I was so worried," she exasperated. Logan hugged her back just as tight, "I missed you too. So much."

The car was packed tightly, six people in the car. Logan sat on Daryl's lap in the backseat, next to Carol, Maggie was next to the other window. Rick and Glenn in the front seats. Carol held her niece's hand tightly in her own, knowing she wouldn't disappear again.

"So where are we going?" Logan asked finally, breaking the comfortable silence. "We seen signs about this place called Terminus. Thinkin' we'd try there. Maybe the others wound up there too," Rick said, glancing back in the mirror. Logan nodded, laying her head back on Daryl's chest.

"So I guess I'll be the one to ask," Glenn started. He turned around in his seat, looking at Logan and Daryl. "Are you guys a thing now?" Daryl rolled his eyes at his childless, as Rick chuckled from the front seat. Maggie smirked and even Carol had a small smile on her face. Logan nodded, grinning a little at their childlike excitement. Maggie fist pumped the air, "Carl owes me a candy bar." Everybody laughed at that, making the car a wheeling ball of happiness.


The car came to a stop near the side of the road, the group climbing out. Logan got out behind Daryl, stretching her arms up and over her head. "You two go check that truck, see if it's got any gas. We're runnin' low." Rick instructed the couple. Daryl and Logan made their way towards the abandoned vehicle, Daryl going to the gas tank while Logan opened the driver's side door.

"Daryl, the keys are still in here," Logan announced holding up a jingling set of keys. Daryl nodded at her as he closed the tank. "Turn it on. Might as well see if its runnin'." Logan stuck the key in the ignition, turning and hearing the truck roar to life. She smiled out the window at Daryl, letting out a joyful laugh.

Maggie and Glenn looked over to them, smiling at the two by the truck. Rick and Carol approached them. "It's got gas then?" Rick asked. "Looks like it," Glenn answered.

Logan took the key out and hopped out of the truck, joining Daryl as they walked towards the others. "It's got gas. Ya want the truck or just the fuel?" Daryl asked Rick. He thought for a moment, "Just the gas. No point in taking two vehicles that are low on fuel when we could just combine 'em." Daryl nodded and Glenn handed him a hose and a gas can.

Rick and Daryl went over to the truck to siphon out the gas while Maggie, Glenn, Carol, and Logan stayed by the car.

"There was a sign a couple miles back, there should be a town real close by. Maybe we should go check it out?" Glenn suggested. Logan shrugged, "Don't care. Whatever Rick says, he's the boss." "I'll go ask him," Carol said. She walked off towards Daryl and Rick as the other three stood patiently waiting for permission. Carol walked back over as Daryl screwed the cap back onto the gas can.

"He said for you three to go and scout ahead. We're gonna check around here a bit longer, see if we can find anything else." Glenn nodded, then looked to the two girls, "Let's get going then."


They walked in silence down the road, Logan could see the town's buildings in front of them.

Upon entering the town, Maggie suggested that they split up among the different stores. Logan entered the hardware store called "Big Black's Lumberjacks." Inside, she found the place nearly empty, the only tools left being a couple hammers, screwdrivers, and some chains.

A half hour later, Logan, Glenn, and Maggie had made it through most of the stores in the small town. They sat in front of the bank as they waited for the others to meet up with them.

As the sun set, the car rolled into the town, stopping in front of the bank. "Find anything?" Rick asked as he exited the car. Glenn held up a half full gas can and a brand new three pack of toothbrushes. "There's six of us," Carol pointed out. "And no toothpaste, " Maggie added. "We can use that gas though. Good job guys," Rick praised.

Daryl stood close by to Logan, his hand resting on her shoulder. "We should stay the night. No point in wasting gas when we can't even see anythin' in the dark anyway." Rick nodded in agreement to Daryl. "You guys see anywhere that looked closed off? Safe?"

Logan pointed off in the direction of a hotel. "There was a hotel back that way. Didn't go inside, didn't really wanna do it by myself." She admitted. Rick nodded, "That's fine. We can go check that out and see if it's safe. Lead the way."

Logan lead the group towards the hotel, reaching it in only a couple of minutes. "Here we are. Who's going in first?" Logan asked. Rick raised an eyebrow at her nervous voice. "You scared Logan?" "No! But Daryl should go first. He's the most observant and reflexive." Rick nodded and Daryl walked towards the front doors. He knocked on the glass a couple of times, waiting for anything to come out. When nothing did, he opened the doors and walked inside, the group following him.

They stood in the lobby, looking around at their surroundings. There was a noise on the second floor, causing them all to crane their necks upwards. "What was that?" Carol asked softly. "We need ta find out," Daryl replied.

The sound of a door opening startled them, everyone raising their weapons up defensively. Suddenly Rick stumbled backwards as arms wrapped around his torso, a boy with a mop of brown hair hugging him tightly. "Dad!" Everyone was shocked as they realised that the boy was Carl. Rick hugged him back tightly, the both of them crying into each others arms. "Where's Judith? Where's your sister?" Rick asked through his tears.

"Rick?" The group looked up as Michonne stepped out of the stairwell, Judith balanced on her hip. She was followed by Beth and Merle, and a young black man. Rick stumbled forward, Michonne meeting him halfway and hugging him tightly, handing him his baby daughter.

"B-Beth?" Logan stuttered, her eyes filling with tears. The young blonde girl raced forward, wrapping her arms around Logan. "Oh my God! I though we lost you what happened to you?" Maggie pulled Beth away before she could answer, hugging her senseless. Daryl and Merle gave each other a "bro hug," as Merle started explaining to Daryl how he had found Beth at a hospital. "It was wild, little brother. It's a long story."

That Little Red Backpack*Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now