I promise : Steve Harrington x Reader

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He broke Seeing your frazzled state. You stared at him with fear in your eyes as the tears streaming out of them glistened in the moonlight. Your hair was all over the place, Your eyes were bruised, And your clothes were caked in mud and tossed around.

Steve grabbed your arm as you tried to run away. You yelped, Causing his breathing to hitch.

"I...I n-n-need to go.." The way your voice shook, and broke, Made him want to hold you even more than he already did. You've had a crush on him for forever, But you didn't know he returned the feelings.

"No..no..no.." He pulled you closer, His eyes widening slightly as you tried your best to pull away.

"P-p-please.." Your voice was raspy, And It sounded as if you were gasping for air. "H-h-he'll find—" You went silent as you heard his drunken voice scream your name angrily.

You looked at Steve. He stared into your eyes seeing so many emotions.

You jumped at the sound of his voice that was nearing you both. You looked around frantically, Now Noticing the four kids that were looking at you with panicked faces.

You didn't want to, But you kneed Steve in the stomach in order for him to let you go.

You covered his mouth and held your finger to your own. You turned around running away, Hoping Steve wouldn't say a word, And that you wouldn't have to explain yourself at school the next day.

You stood with your head in your locker not wanting to move, You just wanted to stay there, Hidden. From everyone. From everything.

You touched up your makeup that was covering the scars and bruises.

You didn't hear the footsteps that were approaching your locker because they were muffled and intertwined with the thoughts that were running rapidly through your head.

You closed your locker and came face to face with Steve Harrington. He just stared at you. You expected him to interrogate you, But he just smiled sadly.

"L-look. I know w-what your th-Thinking.." You said, But it came out as more of a question. He chuckled slightly.

"That a beautiful, Funny, Caring and Compassionate girl shouldn't go through what the hell shes going through. Because she deserves the absolute world.." He sighed, Watching as you teared up.

He wrapped his arms around you, Pulling you close to his chest. "Ugh. You just had to make me cry.." You hit his chest slightly.

"Well, Someone had to say it!" You laughed slightly, Pressing your chin to his chest so you could look up at him. "I'm going to fix it...I promise.."

Stranger Things x Reader (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now