Prom: Steve Harrington x Reader

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"Steve?!" You yell, Walking into your boyfriends house. You yelled once again, Shutting the door behind you. You heard running footsteps coming from upstairs.

And as your boyfriend emerged from his room you couldn't help but smile at his state.

His hair was all over the place, His shirt was messily thrown on, Showing the majority of his chest. "Baby?!" He had an adorable smile on his face as he looked down at you. He ran down the steps and you jumped into his arms.

"Oh I missed you.." He smiled down at you. "I've been gone for four days, Harrington.." You laughed, Pressing your lips onto his, Your hands resting on his chest.

"Aaaand?" He smiles, Resting his chin on your head, Pulling you closer to him.

"What are you doing home?" You ask, Causing him to raise an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" He asks, Looking down at you. "Isn't your prom tonight?" You questioned, Resting your head on his chest.

"Yes. But it wasn't going to be any fun without you.."He pulled you in for another kiss. "But it's your senior prom. Stevie you don't get another one of these.." You frowned, Looking up at him.

"I know! Buuuut id rather be here with you.."

You smiled at his comment. But you still felt bad that he didn't get to go to his prom. "I love you.." You pulled him in for another kiss. He pulled back, Hugging you again. You backed up, Pulling off your jacket and grabbings Steve's hand, Letting him pull you upstairs.

-timeskip after a lil nap at 8pm-

You woke up, Looking at Steve Who was already staring at you. "Beautiful.." He smiled, Kissing your forehead. You smiled, Wrapping your arms around him and burying your face in the crook of his neck.

"Steve get up.." You demanded sillily, Jumping up onto your feet on his bed in only his T-shirt that was slightly big on you and a pair of socks. (And underwear of course)

He laughed, Raising an eyebrow, Standing up slower than you. "Come on old man!" You yell, Grabbing his hands and pulling him up so that he was on his feet as well, Him only being in sweatpants.

"What are you doing, Dork?" He chuckled as you frowned at his nick name. "You love me.." You mumbled, Grabbing his hands dramatically and throwing them around your waist. "Sadly, I do.." You rolled your eyes and hit his chest playfully, Then flinging your arms around his neck.

"What are you doing?" He laughed, Looking at the goofy smile on your face. "I'm trying to dance with my damn boyfriend, So could he please stop questioning and start swaying?!" You yell, Playfully. He laughed. "You done?" You laughed at his question and nodded.

"Start swaying, Steve.." You laughed, Your cheeks hurting from smiling so much, But this was a reoccurring thing with Steve.

"Yes Mil'lady..."

And they two of you spun, and danced on Steve's bed, Laughing and enjoying yourself. You didn't know it, But you gave him the best prom He could ever ask for.

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