Love is Dead

156 3 10



Milo {when he's eventually able to fully speak}- [Stubs toe] Fuck me!

Ren- ...

Ren- Well if you want me to--


Milo- [Attempting to stand]

Milo- [Falls flat on his face, but onto a bed so it obviously didn't hurt]

Ren- You did amazing sweetie!


Milo- [Attempting to stand]
Milo- [Falls flat on his face, but on the ground]

Ren- [Comes running in with a first aid kit while dialing 9-1-1]


Milo- [Attempting to speak] D-D-Duh-

Mr. Curtis- [Extremely excited] I think he's trying to say dad!

Milo- Dumbass.

Mr. Curtis- Who the fuck taught you that--?


I couldn't think of a lot since the rp really only had three characters, but it's five am and I find that really funny for no reason

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