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Memory #4

"We could do it you know. Sneak out in the middle of the night. We'd be long gone by morning."

Jungkook snorts softly. "We'd be captured before we could step foot of out Seoul."

"Not if we give them a late night bust. They'd be too busy with that- we could slip right out."

The boy lifts his head at the same time that Jungkook looks up at him and their eyes lock, a thousand unsaid things passing between those few moments.

Jungkook hums softly as he lays his head on the boy's chest again, closing his eyes in content as the boy begins to rub his back.

"...I should get going. Taehyung will be home soon." Jungkook murmurs after a moment of comfortable silence.

The boy nods curtly but neither make a move to get up. The boy continues to rub Jungkook's back soothingly, his other arm tightening around Jungkook's waist.

Jungkook chuckles softly because he'd been doing that a lot lately, not wanting to let him go.

"You know I'll be back tomorrow right?" He smiles softly.

"Doesn't make it any less harder to let go." The boy replies and Jungkook hums in agreement.

"It would be nice hm? Running away together.." Jungkook muses and the boy nods.

Jungkook looks up as the boy sighs a moment later.

"I wouldn't put you in danger like that though. Not with the way the world is right now.." he trails off bitterly.

"I could handle it." Jungkook replies.

"You probably could. But even still.. it's too risky." The boy cups Jungkook's cheek in his hand, thumb tracing over his lips lightly.

"Besides, if we leave who's gonna keep turning in government supporters as resisters?" Jungkook teases lightly, trying to lighten the mood.

In all seriousness though, they'd turned in over a hundred supporters, claiming they were resisters and so far, it'd been going good. It certainly helped that once you were accused you had no chance of pleading your case; you were immediately signed off, basically a dead man walking.

"I have people in place for that, if it ever happens." The boy replies idly.

"Really? Who is it?" Jungkook asks curiously but the boy doesn't reply.

Jungkook sits up and looks away, biting his lip. He had a weird sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach at the silence. It felt like a weird sense of foreboding, like something bad was gonna happen.

But he just shrugs it off and gets up, stretching lightly.

"Leaving now?" The boys asks and Jungkook nods.

He leans over to give the boy a quick kiss on the cheek, eyes widening in surprise when he gets pulled back down for a kiss on the lips.

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