I cleaned over the last table of the day, the damp cloth in my hand. Mrs Lee gave me a small nod, I was finally finished my long shift.I walked through to the staff room, I flipped through the used pages in my notepad.
One of the pages had a line of numbers written on it, I took a closer look and noticed it was written on the boys order page.
I smirked and pulled the piece out, it was a phone number. It also had written beside it in scrawly handwriting.
"Call tonight :)"I rolled my eyes and hid it in my bag. A smirk grew on my face, I hid it while walking out past Mrs Lee.
A man walked in stopping my tracks. I paused and bowed my head quickly. He put his hand out for me to shake. We met eyes and I took his hand.
"This is Jae Hyun, he's new to the café." Mrs Lee smiled welcoming him in.
He handed her his black coat and scanned the café. He was a good looking man, very polite.
He glanced at me noticing that I was staring at him.
Mrs Lee walked through to grab some paperwork leaving both of us together.
I didn't know whether to leave while I could or stay awkwardly. I felt rude if I just left so I decided to just stand beside him.
"What's your name?" He asked, he stepped closer to me. We were centimetres away from each other.
His strong scent suffocating me, he was seducing. He had a glint in his eye, it itself made my heart flutter.
He made deep eye contact, it somehow wasn't uncomfortable.
"Y-y/n." I answered, my voice shy.
"Why are you so shy?" He gushed, a sweet smile playing on his face.
"Erm...its nothing." I covered up. He was now millimetres away, our faces nearly touching. I stayed where I was. I couldn't move...I studied all his facial features.
He was perfect. I kept on thinking about Yoongi.
Was I somehow betraying him, but Jae Hyun is unresistable.
The cafe door opened, we both looked over.
A disappointed Jin stood, staring at both of us.
I smiled at him, but he just stared back."Come on Y/n, we need to go back to the boys." Jin spoke slightly annoyed.
He glared at Jae Hyun, his stance tall. Showing off his broad shoulders.
I broke off me and Jae Hyun's small moment and walked towards Jin.
I looked back at Jae Hyun, but Jin pulled my arm out of the cafe and towards his car.
He let go of me and we walked silently towards the car. He didn't even look at me, we were sat in the car.
(I just realised that I forgot about Min-Ches. Just pretend she went home with Mineso!)
"I should just go home..it's getting late." I said looking at the straight faced Jin to my right.
He turned on the engine and drove onto the road.
"I'm taking you back to the studio." He said his eyes only focused on the road.
"But-." I tried.
"You are scared to see Yoongi..?" He spoke the words right out my mouth.
"Ye-yeah." I said truthfully.
I fiddled with the ring still on my hand. Jin glanced down at my hand.
"I can tell things people try to hide." Jin said taking my hand in his.
"He still loves you like before." He finally looked at me in the eye. Slightly cheering up from his mood.
"You still have explaining to do." He teased.
I took that the worst way I could. Did he really find out about Min-Ches..?!
He saw the panick on my face and clarified, "That guy you were swooning over in the cafe..he gives me bad vibes." He said, parking in a small car park.
We got out and I followed him towards a door which had a pin code. He pressed buttons and numbers and a small click was heard. He pushed open the door and I was met with a scent of cooked food.
I looked at Jin before going in.
"Is Yoongi here..?"-Y/n
"He's out with Jungkook and J-hope."
"It's exactly why I took you here."
"Will he know.?"
"Not just yet, I'll keep the boys quiet." Jin promised, he took my hand and led me through to a open room with a modern kitchen and some couches with a huge tv.
"Who is here then?" I carried on.
"Namjoon, Taehyung, Jimin." He stated."But you probably won't see Jimin. He's stuck in his office practising. You might but I can't be sure." He said rolling his eyes, he placed our coats on a rack. He plopped down on the couch and patted the spot beside him.
"Do they know I'm here?" I asked.
"Nope." He said plainly popping the 'p'.
"And stop asking questions, chill." He laughed. I sat down beside him.
"So, update me on life. I haven't seen you since like 2 years..!" Jin started.
Oh crap. What do I do..I can't let on about Min-Ches. Just act normal Y/n.
"Um..just finished with my studying." I said, it was true.
"Any jobs catching your eye yet?"
"Not really..I need a job that will keep me busy..the cafe isn't doing the job anymore."
"How about becoming a makeup artist..? Or hair stylist..? Or..-."
"Or working for bighit..?" I said for him.
He nodded, I chuckled and considered it. It would be a good idea. But...maybe.
I turned around to see who the voice came from. It was Namjoon. His hair was a little messy and he was taking his jacket off.
"Hey!" I let out, standing up.
He walked towards me and gave me a hug.
"It's great you came by." Rm said
Jin turned on the huge flat screened tv.
Red warning signs flooded the screen, rm took a seat beside me and stared at the screen with confusion.News
Extreme storm coming.
Everyone should stay inside, until morning."Out of nowhere.." Jin said under his breath.
To be continued...

Everyone belongs with their own. | Min Yoongi FF (Completed)
Fanfiction"I haven't told anyone the real story. Not even him, her father." BTS is set to tour South Korea, including one hotspot in particular. Daegu. Where Min Yoongi, a rapper of the group, left his past lover and something else he does not know about. Yo...