♡Terrible Truth♡ |16|

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Suga's PoV

Y/n shuffled awkwardly towards her Eomma, her eyes widened once she saw the baby.

She turned to me and gave me a half smile and walked out the door. She greeted her Eomma, quickly ushering her away.

"I-I'll see you around Yoongi." She stuttered, shyly holding Min-Ches in her arms.

I stared at her, still in shock. I managed a nod and closed the door as they walked back to their car.

My back hit the front door, what..what if..no stop being stupid Yoongi.

Author Nim's PoV

The youngest frowned upon the shocked figure of Suga. He had been sitting against the door for almost an hour. Possible thoughts rushing through his mind.

Jin walked through to the scene, his eyebrows furrowing.

"You have to tell us man." Jin crossed his arms.

Suga's PoV

My body was numb but I somehow still felt pain. My eyes were dull, staring at the floor.

I weakly nodded.

"Y-y/n.." I muttered, almost in disgust.
Jin stared at me like I was insane.

"A few minutes ago you were crazy about her, now you sound like she's betrayed you.." Jin huffed, clearly confused.

"She has a c-child.." I whispered the last shocking word.

Surprisingly Jin didn't bat an eyelid from the news. He wasn't surprised..

"She must of moved Yoongi, you should not of expected her to have stayed waiting for you." Jin scoffed, lowering himself in front of Yoongi.

"She not a dog Yoongi. She's a human too. She never knew when she'd see you again, neither did you."

"And you know what. I saw her swooning over another man in the cafe she works at. Obviously they must have some sort of relationship going on, he's probably even the father of her child." He blurted out in frustration, his eyes widening at his sentence.

Yoongi's stare turned sharp, like daggers. How could she of moved on, even having a freaking child with someone she probably hardly knows.

He surly hadn't been gone enough time for her to get to know someone new and even land pregnant with them.

I closed my eyes begging for all this not to be true. All my dreams for the future smashing to pieces.

Growing up with the girl I truly love and marrying her. Going on many vacations, cherishing all the moments I could with her.

Then finally having beautiful children of our own, watching them grow up proudly.

Both of us growing old together, looking back at all the amazing memories.

All ruined.

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To be continued...

Dexy xx

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