Chapter 2

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3rd person view

Atsushi regarded the doll-like girl who was sitting on one of the couches at the Armed Detective Agency. He tried to talk to her a few times, but she never replied. Perhaps she really did not understand Japanese. Or maybe she was mute? It wasn't like she was unaware of his presence, because she did look at him.

When it was time for everyone to go home Atsushi got a bit nervous. After all, he had to take (y/n) to his home, where they would both be staying from now on. The man-tiger looked at her and she slowly raised her head to look into his eyes.

"Hey, uhm...", Atsushi hesitantly began. "Will you come with me? I'll take you to a safe place to sleep."

(y/n) didn't reply. She slowly blinked and kept staring at Atsushi. The white-haired male rubbed the back of his neck and gestured towards the door.

"Will you...", he said while gesturing to (y/n). "come... with me...?" He gestured to the door.

Without saying a word, (y/n) got up. She blankly stared up at Atsushi, making him shift uncomfortably. Then he turned around and started walking to the door. When he looked over his shoulder, (y/n) was following him.

Atsushi huffed when he bumped into the door because he was looking over his shoulder for too long. He flinched when (y/n) reached forward but relaxed when he realized she was opening the door for him.

Atsushi walked through and (y/n) followed like a dog, not straying far from him and not seeming to think of anything else but walking. Atsushi was lost in thought, trying to comprehend what might have happened to the girl trailing after him. She didn't seem to understand Japanese, but from what Atsushi heard she was just like any other kid four years ago. On top of that, she acted like a robot. The only thing he'd seen her do out of her own initiative was opening the door. What could have happened to make her this way?

Atsushi gasped when (y/n) suddenly grabbed ahold of his wrist. A large truck whizzed past, a few centimeters from his face. Atsushi slowly turned around and saw (y/n) staring at the street with an empty gaze.

"Thank you", Atsushi breathed.

(y/n) looked up and their eyes met, Atsushi's full of wonder while (y/n)'s were like chocolate voids. 

When they continued on their way to the boarding house Atsushi tasked himself with being more aware of his surroundings and trying to talk to (y/n). When he asked her questions she didn't answer, so he decided to tell her something about himself. When he really thought about it he realized he didn't have anything interesting to tell except his time at the orphanage, but he didn't want to talk about something so traumatic with (y/n) around.

"Would you like to know how I came to work at the Detective Agency?", Atsushi eventually asked.

He didn't bother waiting for an answer, because he probably wouldn't get one anyway. After a second of silence he started telling his story. (y/n) didn't seem very attentive, but Atsushi talked anyway. Anything to prevent an uncomfortable silence.

"You see, he was trying to kill himself", the white-haired male mumbled. "He wasn't very happy that I got him out of the water. But I don't regret it, because I got food afterwards!"

He paused and stole a glance at (y/n). She was still looking ahead with a blank expression, but when Atsushi thoroughly inspected her features he blushed.

S-she's beautiful, he awkwardly concluded.

He sharply inhaled when (y/n) suddenly held her arm in front of him, preventing him from walking further. Atsushi tore his gaze away from the girl next to him and realized he nearly got run over again. A loudly honking car sped off in the distance.

Atsushi blew out a breath and rubbed a hand over his face.

I'm an idiot.

"Thanks again", he said with a small smile as he scratched the back of his head. "Come on, we're almost there."

(y/n) didn't reply, but she followed when Atsushi crossed the street. They continued on their way while the man-tiger talked about his entrance exam to create a light atmosphere. (y/n) didn't give any reaction whatsoever, but Atsushi felt a little more at ease while he distracted himself with the story.

Truth be told, the man-tiger was incredibly nervous about taking (y/n) in. He was afraid to touch her and make her activate her ability, but he also wanted to get to know her and learn about her past. She was a mystery to him and intrigued him to no end, even if they had only met that day. In their short time together, (y/n) had prevented Atsushi from getting run over two times. Why she would do that, the man-tiger had no idea. She barely showed any initiative, but she did save him.

"We're here", Atsushi said when they reached the boarding house. "It's not much, but you'll have a comfortable place to stay."

(y/n) looked up and her reddish brown eyes met his purple and yellow ones. For a second Atsushi was unable to move under her gaze, which was somehow completely empty and incredibly intense at the same time. Then he awoke from his trance and opened the door to his tiny apartment. It wasn't anything but a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and tiny living room, but it was enough.

"There's only one bedroom, but I'll just sleep in the closet", Atsushi said.

(y/n) looked at him and blinked. Then she took off her shoes and walked further into the small apartment to look around. When she returned to the front door Atsushi was still there.

"Do you like it?", he asked.

(y/n) didn't reply but stared at him for a few seconds. Then she abruptly turned around and walked into the living room.

"Eh, (y/n)-san?", Atsushi stammered as he hurried after her.

The shorter girl's head snapped around when he said her name. Atsushi halted when her empty eyes landed on him, making him feel like he said something wrong.

"S-sorry", he stuttered. "Please continue what you were doing."

(y/n) stared at him for a few more seconds. Then she walked trough the living room into the kitchen, where she started rummaging through the cabinets. Atsushi hesitantly regarded her from a distance.

"So she does recognize her name, huh...?", he mumbled to himself. "That seems to be the only thing she really responds to."

Atsushi kept observing (y/n). He still couldn't think of anything that might have turned her into this zombie-like figure in just four years. He went through some pretty traumatic things himself, but apparently she went through something much worse. How else could she have lost all memories of Dazai, and even her ability to speak and understand Japanese? Atsushi shivered at the thought.

The man-tiger snapped out of his thoughts when he smelled something familiar.

"Is that... chazuke?", he mumbled.

He slowly walked into the kitchen to see (y/n) there, preparing dinner for two. Atsushi's eyes went wide when he saw how effortlessly she did it. Within a few minutes she was done and carried two bowls of chazuke into the living room, where she put it on the table.

Atsushi watched (y/n) to sit down at the table. He didn't move until she looked at him and gestured for him to sit down as well. He happily obliged and regarded the girl in front of him.

"I-itadakimasu", Atsushi murmured.

(y/n) still remained silent, but she didn't touch her food until Atsushi finished speaking. She ate like a real lady, very decently and politely. Atsushi wholeheartedly ate his dinner, and after he finished he was very satisfied.

He had to admit, it was some of the best chazuke he ever had.

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