M4 New Generation

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Opening Theme: Eternal Unity (Masquerade 2.0)
Ending Theme: Pride (Wish)

Third Person POV

"Nice work today everyone," Tori said after she and the rest of M4 New Generation finished rehearsing.

"I can't wait to perform tomorrow," Lavender said as she strummed her bass.

"I know all of social media is excited," Fuyu added. "We're intense."

"Yeah," Tanoshi nodded as he put his guitar away. "Hey Luna, I want to add a last minute change to the schedule for the show."

"Oh dear. Did you have to ask the day before?" Luna asked as she spun one of her drumsticks between her fingers. "What?"

"Before our performance, I want to do a duet with Aine."



"One, two. One, two. One, two." Tanoshi said as he and Aine danced in one of the practice rooms in the Milky Way Big Stage. "One, two -"

"Whoops! I messed up," Aine said.

"I didn't notice," Tanoshi said. "No one will know you made a mistake if you don't tell them."


"Most of the time. Want to work on the song for a while?" Tanoshi asked.

"Sure!" Aine replied with a smile.

From the door, the rest of Wish watched as the siblings practiced. "Why did he suddenly want to perform with Aine?" Yujin asked. "I know the two of them are patching up their relationship, but this was just out of the blue."

"Tori, you're their sister, got any clues?" Uli asked.

"I'm just as lost as you guys," Tori said. "Maybe he just wants to perform with his little sister."

"At least they're getting along," Luna said.

"Thank goodness for that," Tori agreed.

"Does this even have to be a big deal?" Zander asked.

"It doesn't," Lex said, "but it's cute to catch them rehearse."

"Hmm," Izzy nodded in agreement.

"No peeking!" Aine cried from inside.

"Can't I get a few more pictures?" Lex asked.

"No paparazzi!" Aine and Tanoshi said in unison.


Ryu's POV

"So how big is the Yuki Family?" I ask Mikan during breakfast.

"There's Tori Yuki and her twin Tanoshi Yuki -"

"Mikan's waifu!" Nico says.

"(Shut Up) then there's Aine Yuki and Drei Yuki."

"That's all?" I ask.

"That's all," Mikan nods.

"Okay. Thank you."

"Are you asking about the surprise performance with Tanoshi and Aine?" Kokoro asks.

"Surprise performance? I wasn't aware of this," says Ms. Natsuki.

"It was just put into the schedule of the idols performing at the festival," Selen explains to his mother. "Before M4 New Generation performs, Tanoshi and his little sister are going to sing a duet."

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