Eternal Unity

91 6 0

Opening Theme: Eternal Unity (Masquerade 2.0)
Ending Theme: Pride (Wish)

Ryu's POV

"Lalala, Lalala, lalala thanks for your heart!" Masquerade 2.0 sings as we practice at the Milky Way Big Stage. "Lalala, lalala it's forever!" We've finished the song. We pause and turn to each other.

"That was ... AWESOME!" Mei exclaims. "That was our best practice yet!"

"We'll save the Aikatsu System before bed time tomorrow!" I say.

"Bed time," Kazuno snickers. "We're too old for curfew."

"Ryu is right," Ryo says. "We got this!" I smile. I love seeing Ryo so determined.

"Of course we do," Chase says with a grin. "But I have to start heading home so see you guys tomorrow."

"Okay, bye," Nico says.

"Remember to get lots of sleep for the photoshoot tomorrow," Mikan reminds him.

"Right," Chase replies.

"We'll be fabulous!" I say.

"Like real super idols," Kokoro adds.

"Wait a minute," Maria said. "Chase, do you have to leave now?"

"Well my parents are expecting me," Chase says.

"What are you up to, Maria?" Mei asks.

"I'm just thinking ... why don't we go somewhere together and, maybe, bond?" Maria suggests.

"I like bonding," I say.

"But what about tomorrow's photo shoot?" Mikan says.

"Oh come on, Mikan," Nico says, putting her hands on Mikan's shoulders. "You know it's friends before Aikatsu!"

"We'll hate ourselves when we wake up," Mikan warns.

"All in favor?" I ask.

"Aye!" (Me, Maria, Nico, Mei, Kokoro, Ryo)

"Nei!" (Mikan, Kazuno)

"What about you two?" I ask Selen and Chase.

"Does it really matter?" Selen asks. "The ayes already have the majority."

"Oh yeah," Nico says with a giggle.

"But we want to hear your thoughts regardless," Kokoro says.

"Well ..." Chase says, "I'll have to ask my parents -"

"Yes!" Mei and I say in unison before high 5ing.

"I still think this is a bad idea," Kazuno says. "If we look tired for tomorrow's photo shoot then -"

"Then we'll set a curfew," Maria says. "It's only nine fifteen. If we leave now, we could still have plenty of time for sleep."

"I suppose ..." Mikan says.

"Selen?" I ask.

"Well, I guess," Selen bites his lip then sighs. "I guess it wouldn't hurt."

"Whoo-hoo!" I cheer. "So, where should we go?"

"It was Maria's idea," Ryo says, "I think she should decide."

"Aw, gracias, Ryo," Maria says with a smile. Ryo smiles back and quickly wipes away his tears. "I was hoping we could go to my house. It's not too far, just a quick train trip."

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