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"Smile for me Orion...no.......Bell....when we met again lets have ten thousand years love"

said Artemis while smile and shedding tears looking at Bell

Bell try to smile but quickly broke into mess of tears while light engulf him,sending him back to the time when he stab Artemis chest while screaming and falling to the ground,antares whole body turn white and explode into particle of light that shoot across the temple sky.....and so bell keep cry while hestia keep close to bell grasping bell hand becoming his support the other can only turn their head down...the most affected of all was bell.their journey back into orario woul been held within grieve


The whole orario was covered within glittering light of night sky and bell just came to the the capital of orario due to the request of loki,takemikazuchi,hermes and even freya.bell come with hestia due to her was his famillia god

"itll be fun bell im sure there is so much food you can get"

said hestia with optimism while held bell arm,bell.....trying his best to look good in front of his goddess walking with her

"As you wish goddess hestia"

said bell while trying to maintain his composure from the past event.after they walk for 15 minutes they were greeted by the people of orario cheering bell name while many of his friend smile at him,in front of hestia and bell was ,freya,loki,hermes,ganesha,takemikazuchi,and 1 unknown figure

"congratulation bell cranel you have exceed our expectation from your feat to defeat an monster even gods like us fear for that you have my graditute"

say takemikazuchi to bell

"I dont deserve such praise from you lord takemikazuchi"

said bell to takemikazuchi ,but before he can continue his walk takemikazuchi pull something from his back revealing it as a sword with white sheath with dark and red blazing line with it

"Ahhhh take this,this is my sign of graditute,my honor,my burning passion,and my power feat the kusanagi no-tsurugi or you can call it eight serpent dragon sword of splitting cloud"

takemikazuchi hand bell the sword

"n-no this is your sign of power lord takemikazuchi i cannot take something like this that become your pride"

takemikazuchi can only smile

"hahahaha just as same as i when my brother susanoo gave it to me such thing called deja vu do exist but no i pass it down to you bell cranel it is sign from me that aknowledge your feat to fitting the title i gave you GOD SLAYER"

bell eye instantly wide and take a step back,hestia know that it has to something to do with artemis quickly rebate takemikazuchi

"takemikazuchi!dont give him a title that can affect him!"

said hestia

"n-no goddess"

bell then spoken to hestia"its nothing.....then lord takemikazuchi ill take this honor you gave to me

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