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"...?????so what?"

"Can you explain whatever the hell happend in here just now"

Hestia question as ouka sit in seiza position while staring down at the white colored chalk in the new location of hestia familia



Bell entering the hot spring inside their new familia location,hestia and artemis is discuasing about future familia way of recruitment,lily on the other hand stoeing every single weapon that they have collected in the weapon armory inside their new home,while gilgamesh....just being gilgamesh she take her time in the third floor and gazing at the moon of the orario.

Here bell currently enjoyimg the little thing while bathing himself in the spring,the hot water helps him to cooll his mind for a while,after everthing that had happend,from the previous time that he cant save artemis he had overcome that fate and save her with the help and grace from the gods,his admiration toward the gods know no boundary as he silently pray and give offering of his voice toward the gods that have help him.

Suddenly a small voice can be hear from the ceilling,bell quickly stop from his praying and check his surrounding,as nothing can be found with only using his eye,and so bell use his dragon sense and dragon eye,a figure in the corner of the room is using conceilling magic.....a female to be exactly


"There is no use to conceal my presence in the first place,bell-dono"

Then ouka reveal herself infront of bell,though pulling her head toward the different directio from bell

"Would you cover yourself bell-dono?"

"A-ah yes sorry"

Them bell get towel to cover his lower part and rise from the hot spring walking toward ouka

"Then?how may i help you ouka-san?"

"I have request bell-dono i know this sound selfish and all but can you accomoany me to rescue some of my old friend"

Ouka without hesitation move forward and took bells hand entangling her and bell hand together

"W-w-wait,so you asking me to help you,you know you can just told that to my goddesses first ouka-san"

"I cant risk this quest to be found by the gods even my lord takemikazuchi didnt know about this rescue mission,pleass bell-dono can you help me?????"

".......its not like i dont want to help you ouka-san but to do something behind my goddesses back is something so unfair to her"

"....is...that so"

Ouka look greatly saddened by bell reply,ouka face make bell feel so bad because he make a girl sad

"B-but.....i guess i will help you"


Ouka face beaming with smile at bell,she quickly hug bell

"Thank you bell-dono,you have my most gratitude"

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