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Snow began to fall as the companion headed back to orario
Bell were amazed by the chilling air and falling snow all near him because he never get the chance to see or felt the whole situation due to the fact that he only live in a village that completely far from orario

"its georgous right"
Artemis said as she look at the falling snow

"It is"

Bell reply to artemis while artemis smile at him and rest her head into bell chest while the ride back to orario.
After the event of the ELSOS artemis decide to rebuild her famillia but within permanent alliance toward hestia famillia in fact the two famillia would be merged together
As the sought to the sky bell felt a sharp pain in his hand as he see his right arm had an unknown mark take a shape into seems to be a dragon
"Arrrrrgh!..w-what the-"
But before bell finish his sentence
He saw an arrow flew near him as he shocked and see below him.
An army stationed below them and starting to firing arrow at them
Bell cannot risk to use any of his arsenal for it would be dangerous for other
"Wait a second......thats ares famillia emblem"

Welf shout as he point as an warrior sigil with black color and red blade flag nearby

"Are they seriously trying to start a war with the whole orario!"

Fearfully asked lily but suddently the barrage of arrows finally hit the dragons and tore their wings slightly their dragons scream and fell down into the huge amount of soldier.
Bell summond bahamut and catch the other while he dealt with the army

"I really need to finish this fast!my magic recovery is not finished"

Bell fell down while artemis and hestia shout for bell as he fell down very quickly
Bell only fell as he need to reach close range of him and the armys so he can blast his magic

"Not now........."

Bell shout as he fell down and almost reach the ground

" ............NOW! FIREBOLT:ORCUS!"

Bell fire stream of his firebolt magic toward the army create explosion and push him up as the air created by the explosion blown him up while the army middle senction tored apart
The others cannot help due to the fact their magic recover is low on capacity and an AoE magic spell cost huge amount of magic they have

"Unbelivable even after antares fight he still had so many magic!hestia who the hell is-"

"HE IS bell cranel!the argonaut!the hero!and also my famillia!"

Hestia shout and slowly forming smile as he see bell fighting the army
Artemis has a magic vision that can see a person magic capacity and rating clearly,not even gods can fool the eye of artemis YET
She cannot trully see bell total magic capacity and rating his overall status and barely could sense his power

"Whatever the true potent of bell power he can take more than any of our combined power to match his performance"

Welf trully amazed by bell power while lily shocked mixed with admiration toward bell

"Are you saying that bell power could rival 3 GOD?"

"Not quite true welf"

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