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Bell P.O.V
What the?where is this?everthing is only pitch black???

"Welcome mongrel"

I hear a sound it make me suprised by the sound and i immediately turn around spotting a person,a figure sitting in a....throne?

"Whats with tis face?wouldnt you praise me?wouldnt you admire me and be overwhelmed by my majestic apparent?"

I cant see his or her appareance

"Its such a boring day nowadays in here....hmph...well until tis fight ancient beast and challenge a god"

I think this person mean antares and ares

"Well you,re losing even with that power but you cannot fully utilize it i think it is better if i lend my hand"

The figure with omnimous aura stand from the throne revealing.......a woman?golden hair up to her waist,crimson as blood is her eye color,yet she only use cloth to cover her chest but use armor legs a tattoo of red crimson line that connected from her left and right arm into her chest down to her stomach

Bell quickly blush as she see her apparent as turn around

"u-u-ummm can you please cover your figure?!"

The woman can only blink in confusion but smile at bell

"What nonsense you just brought mongrel,but i shall respect thou wish"

Suddenly golden light covered her whole apparent as her clothes changed into a black long sleeves shirt and a white jeans

"Does tis satisfies with my apparent?i am confuse with humanity isnt you human value beauty into certain extend?am i horrible in tis eye?"

"N-no in fact if i may say you are a very beautiful person even though i dont know who you are"

Bell spoke while can only smile

The person can only stare at bell while crack a smile and burst into laughter

"Heh..fuhahahahahahaha...yet another with such sultry tone and polite such quality is a waste for a human ,thou just interest me with tis life....very well i certainly deeply interest with tis life"

The woman can only smile while crossing her arm

"U-um can i have your name miss?,if i may"

Bell blush have dissapear but he try his best to not stare at her,but suddenly the woman move closer into bell,and grab his cheeks and move him close to hers

"It is truly insolent for tis to not look at me in the eye,was i such an eyesore to tis?but i certainly find it attractive from thou,I am a king from a great forgotten land,i am the greatest of humanity history of what now you called heroes or to be specific you can say that I am the king of all heroes,the origin of the word heroes"

"King of heroes!?"
Bell suddenly has his eye lighten and grab the woman both arms,suprising the woman

"C-correct i am the greatest and origin of all heroic deed,my name is G-"

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