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"How is it?"

spoken a mysterious voice

"it,ll sufficient i admit,i am not expecting that damned god of time send that boy to the past,changing the fate of artemis"spoken another mysterious voice as they stare toward a glass that reflect image of the end of antares expedition situation"bell cranel huh.....this is not the end there is still a more powerfull monster that i have to give you"the figure only laugh in the darkness.

"hmmmmmm"bell currently just awake from his sleep,he see his surrounding but he is inside of a tent,he stand up and walk outside see the male gathering in the middle while he dont see any female so bell come to the male place"ummmm lord hermes?what are you all doing?"said bell to all the boy grin like a buffon"oh bell my friend!dont you see!there is calling of fate out there for us!men!dont you want to see white skin without any cloth in the river?!!!"said hermes toward all of them making them shout Yes"this is a mission that we cannot failed to do...no a quest that shall shake the heaven!are you with me!"said hermes toward all of them while raise his hand and all of the male beside bell just grin and shout while bell just smile akwardly toward the situation.
Just as expected the hermes group were caught again by the lady,"have you all had no shame at all?"asfi said while covering her body with towel"jeez a pervert would always be a pervert"said lili toward the group"hahahaha you cannot stop us, BELL!go forth and claim destiny within your hand!!!!!"shout hermes making the girl realize especially ryuu"i just realize bell wasnt in this group?so where is he?".

Some part of the forest
"Yeaaah i cant do that to peak at girl while they take a bath,its really embarassing enough for me"said bell while walking in the forest seeing his surrounding and hear some noise from nearby place"so?what would you do from now on?"a voice that bell hear nearby,bell then silently walk closer to the voice whereabout"i-i think i would stay in orario with you and bell"said familliar voice of artemis,bell hide in the back of a tree and peaking seeing hestia and artemis sitting in the forest and chatting with each other"ill just say this bell is my famillia artemis"said hestia comedicially"is that so"said artemis looking a little sad,making hestia a bit sad too"........but i guess i dont want everyone that like him to be sad would i" hestia to artemis"what do you mean"said artemis toward hestia"well that mean if anyone like bell.....its okay to share him but im his main one"shout hestia to artemis while crossing her hand,no longer artemis hug hestia tightly"you been grow mature hestia you dont think only for your own sake now but you consider other feeling precious too"said artemis making hestia blush a bit and smile"i have changed just like you change dont i?"bell processing the conversation of the goddesses is stuck in his mind"eh?share?whats that suppose to mean?considering other feeling well i know goddess hestia is grown a lot since the first time we met but i dont her to be this mature"bell accidently make a foot step and let artemis be cautious"whose there!"said artemis and ready her bow,make bell panick"i know you hide behind the tree let me have you know that i can pierce through the tree with my arrow so ill give you 3 second before i shoot this arrow one.......two.......thr-" "dont shoot goddess artemis!"said bell while finally go out from the tree reveljng himself to the goddesses"bell?"said hestia seeing bell ehile bell can only sit on his knee while looking embarrased"im sorry to hear your conversation goddess hestia,goddess artemis"artemis just smile to bell"well i dont think its a problem orion"said artemis to bell,hestia in other hand ask bell something"did you hear it bell?our conversation?"said hestia to bell,bell can only nod but deep down doesnt know what it suppose to mean"ummm yes goddess hestia"hestia can blush and look to artemis,artemis just smile toward hestia and finally..........artemis kiss bell cheek"ARTEMIS!!!"hestia shout to artemis quickly swipe artemis from bell"is there a problem?hestia?"said artenis toward hestia,bell in the otherhand just frozen instantly like a rock but quickly respond by touching his cheek and scream
while stand up and try to run,artemis quickly jump toward bell front to block his exit path but accidently make bell hit her chest and make them fall"goddess artemis are you alright?"said bell look at artrmis,but artemis just smile and start to caress bell cheek"you are trully mine and i am trully your,we are bound by ten thousand year of love orion!"said artemis and hug bell,hestia can only watch in jealousy but finally gave up on the idea to interrupt the two of them and decide to head back first leaving artemis and bell alone with themself"so.....orion...i want to ask you something if you dont mind.."said artemis while her cheek begin to glow a bit of red"now can we began our ten thousand years of love?"said artemis while smiling,bell doesnt exactly know the meaning just can look artemis with confuse look
"Didnt you know how human mate"say artemis make bell slowly blushing and stand up in instant
"Wait a minute im not mentally prepared for this"as bell try to run but artemis leap forward infront of him and lock him down and smile
"I find it little bit insulting that you didnt want to mate with me bell,i mean every men in heaven always try to force their way on me but its so fascinating to see someone not sexually like me"said artemis while caressing bell white colored hair instantly making him felt shiver
Yet artemis just smile and walk while give bell sign to accompany her along
"I suppose i need to ask some of the question on how you can kill antares"said artemis to bell ,bell instantly tense up while thinking for answering the question"......you could say a blessing lady artemis"while bell scratching he back of his head
Bell try to helf back at the information that artemis try to dig him in but finally artemis stopped and sigh at bell but smile eventually
"Well i suppose i cannot ask you too much dont i bell?"
Bell just smile at artemis and thrust his hand in like a gentleman to artemis
"Shall we dance MY LADY?"
Bell request was answered with a hand taking hand
The night is silent but the sky was covered with stars
The air is cold yet somehow bring feel of comfort to the couple dancing near lake accompany within the stars and moon as they cherish their fateful moment.
For once maybe bell can felt peace and comfort.

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