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Bell awaken in the forest his whole body seems to recover from his time travel from kronos,all his armanent from the god to send to the past of course with bahamut,the little dragon just roar cutely and shine become a bracelet,he check his whole cloth its same with the one hermes gave him to use to in the ruin of elsos,bell eye widen he remember what time is this,and so he walk forward toward the lake and there.....finally there a lady with blue ocean color hair with white milk skin bathing,and deep forest green colored eye,Artemis is her name. bell keep move forward but artemis hear his footstep"who,s there!"said artemis and bell panicked and look back"i-i-im sorry its-its an accident ill be going now"bell said "no wait"said artemis use her white towel to cover her body"come here with me orion"said artemis to bell,bell go see artemis and when he see her his right eye start to relase tear"orion?why do you cry?"said artemis touch bell cheek and smoothing his cheek"o-oh?i-its nothing goddess artemis"said bell quickly swipe his eye from the tears"are you sure?" "Yes absolutely goddess artemis!"said bell with smile after wipe his eye make artemis smile too"then come sit beside me orion"artemis said to bell and bell sit beside her"you lucky that i wasnt the same with my old self if i were the same i would already arrow you down"bell only laugh awry and speak the same with that time with artemis"im sorry that i have taken you to this problem of mine"said artemis,bell smile and stand up and said"its okay no matter what monster we face no matter how strong it is ill fight it i will protect you always goddess artemis!"said bell "ill promise this time it will be different!"said bell in his thought"artemis just smile warmly to bell"you behave just like a hero does orion"then artemis stand up and ask bell to dance"bell would you like to dance?"bell smile and bow to artemis then take her hand and start to dance"did you know?when we god and goddess depart to the lower world to live with you we were promised a ten thousand years love, its a connection of our infinite live with your finite live,orion.......im very glad that i met you"said artemis as she warmly smile toward bell"and so do i goddess artemis"as they keep dancing to the night untill the day finally come
Bell resolve gaining in power in each second.

bell,artemis,hestia and the other were waiting outside of the ruin with the famillia of hermes standing down waiting for the command,as the time flow artemis gave her speech like that time,bell however prepare to help the outside defender too
the bracelet shine and reveal the tiny dragon roar cutely and bell pat it head
"you can understand me right?"
the dragon nod to bell"
then can you please help the people out here defending the area while i deal in the inside?"
the dragon make a happy roar and rub it head to bell and make bell smile at bahamut
"thank you" said bell
and bahamut start to arise to the sky and return to his original form,the poeple around bell see him and quite shocked
"is that?bahamut?lord of underworld?arch king of black sun?"
hestia and hermes look bell but bell gave them a look that said ill explain later
"lets not waste anymore time everyone!"

"YEAHHH!"shout everyone.

Just like that time the spawn of antares arrive but these time bahamut assist on the extermination,bahamut open the attack by relasing stream of dark flame from it mouth completely burn everything it came in contact while bell and the other goes inside,like that time they fight inside the egg hatcment place,bell use his headband from freya his eye sees sharper and his magic grew absurbly stronger
bell relase a massive chain exploding fire blast that completely burn the whole room clean from antares spawn and egg hatch
"the hell bell thats tremendously insane magic?!"
said welf suprised by bell magic,bell just nod and quickly move forward and look a big black scorpion-like thing with six arm,a long sharp tail, hexagonal chest piece and a long head with 1 red eye
"that is antares"
said artemis to the howling monster when the attack force start to open attack
"hold it off everyone!"
said bell while he take the orion spear/arrow and quickly charge his ARGONAUT skill with concetration,welf,asfi,ryuu,lili,hestia,hermes,and artemis quickly attack antares while bell unsheath the sword from takemikazuchi the sky up there raging with thunder while the sword,the spear,the necklace,headband power glow combine into one with bell encasing him within golden-white aura, bell quickly throw the spear to antares,it shatter the armor but bell didnt finish he use the sword  and dash toward antares while telling everybody to move out from the way,he infuse the lightning from the sword and his firebolt skill when he run to antares body and jump toward it head and stab the eye piercing it through
then thunder and fire engulf antares whole body and destroy the head part,artemis and the other amazed by bell handling over the situation but quickly take the situation with tremendous amount of barrage attack toward the weakened antares.Bell take the spear take distance from antares,the other having finish to attack antares but quickly shrugged off by antares high speed regeneration
"ill change fate with my hand!"
Said bell with the sword in his left hand and the spear in his right hand,after antares recover from the heavy substained attack he open beam blast with purple color toward artemis and hestia but before it hit bell deflect the projectile toward antares with the sword
"i told you goddess.....that i protect you all no matter what!!!"
bell then move slowly but graudaly run toward antares and scream toward antares core,with the sword and spear he hacked antares head and arm,the other can only watch bell with amazement and envy,but a certaint black and blue long haired can only blush toward bell from behind.
Bell hit the sword into chest armor piece deep

then the chest armor explode but antares roar again and smash bell back with it tail make bell cough blood and plummet back,as it cover it front with ardigum of artemis creating a bow toward artemis and the other
"no!if it hit it surely destroy us all!!"
said artemis ready to guard the blow,but bell already recover from the blow and running and screaming the spear radiate with golden symbol magic and it silver color changed into golden spear, from the tip into the back of the spear,the bow relase it ardigum arrow toward bell while bell relase his spear.the two thing collide and create shockwave in beetwen but of course as the spear become stronger it pierce and disperse antares arrow and hit it newly regenerated chest armor affecting it whole body and crushing all of antares armor and body making it in staggered state,bell then walk toward the crystal and stand in front of it and then look back to artemis in the group,artemis can only smile sadly toward bell back
"i know what must be done"bell use the necklace that held odin power and it glow in his hand,bell quickly punch the crystal to dust relasing artemis body,instead of using his knife and stab artemis, bell pull artemis real body from antares,with hard effort he remove the goddess from the dark fate.
Finally bell move back with the artemis that in the group shocked see bell
"orion?....how?...how can a mortal like you do the impossible?"
said artemis before merging back with her original body
"because goddess artemis i promise to always protect you"
said bell and then bell use his sword and create searring torrent of lightning in the sky while pulling his knife and imbued it with firebolt

"everyone i need your help we,ll finish this with 1 definite strike that strip antares from his regeneration power!"
Bell shout to all of them and all of them use everything at their disposal to help bell to finish antares
bell relase all of his magic toward antares forming lightning and firebolt from the sword and hestia knife forming torrent of firestorm
"take this!"
lili fire the magic sword that welf gave her
"i,ve been saving this sword for a long time!MUSPLEHEIM!"
welf use the clothed sword that he carry and it relase a hellfire blaze toward antares,
"Great job bell!LUMINOUS WIND!"
ryuu relase stream of wind stacked ball element toward antares
"I hope you know what you doing bell cranel!BURST OIL!"
asfi relase all of the glass bottle she had and throw it to antares hitting all the attack to antares completely hit antares at the same time make the damage that antares can substain without artemis power is more than it can hold and finally explode into light particle in the sky finally end the cycle of dark fate that await artemis,bell collapse from the magic he use to defeat antares but it was worth it.

the sun shine as morning come,a newlight engulfed the whole ruin,and......artemis open her eye looking to bell,hestia and the other and speak
bell cannot hold his suprise by the future he made, his heart cannot contain his emotion he shed tears and try walk to artemis hestia can only smile but relase tears too toward bell and artemis and think
"bell.....i think every goddess you met would eventually fell in love with you"
hestia think and smile to bell,artemis walk toward bell too,bell fatigue was beyond anything that he ever felt and when he almost reach artemis he fell but hestia held him and bell look at hestia
"let me help you bell"
said hestia while walking to artemis but the weight of bell make hestia fell to artemis and the three of them stare at each other artemis laugh at both of them and all of them follow to laugh or smile,artemis hug bell and said
"orion....no....bell from now on lets form a ten thousand years love the three of us"
This make hestia blink comedically and blush
"ahhhhh artemis remember that bell is my famillia member!"
hestia try to hug bell too and artemis hug the both of them
"but i want to be with you two forever"
while bell can only fell asleep in the godessess hug and smile
            -TO BE CONTINUE

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