Where are we?

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Alexis's pov.

 I jump off the waterfall for the seventh time and it's actually really fun. It feels like I'm flying even though I have my wings I don't feel like flying, but this? This feels perfect. My wings just want to come out, but I am not going to let them...


 Josh was right when he said he had something fun to do, that he had heard of.

It's called fall jumping, he said, it's not that high up, he said...

Well explain the 1500 meter drop to the water, you bastard! But I'm still enjoying it, and he is going to pay.

"Oi Joshy boy, jump or are you scawed?" I yell in a baby voice.

He yells back, "I'm not scared, baby. I'm gonna fly like a bird!"

"Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's just an idiot called Josh who thinks he's cool." I retort.

He gets ready to jump, but just as he jumps, I hear a whoosh. A Dark angel has come up behind him in the middle of jumping and has him by the fore-arms and in the air, while he's struggling to get let go.

Another whoosh is heard before I too, am lifted into the air and carried up to the other angel.

"What do want from us?" I yell at the angel that is holding me, then look at Josh, who in turn gives me a worried look.

"Our master will only answer that. Be quiet and do not struggle or this is going to be an uncomfortable ride." The angel that is holding onto Josh.

I feel an uncomfortable prick in my arm, and my eyes start to droop. I look at Josh who is already dead to the world.

"What did you inject me with?" But it probably sounded like, "Wha-id-oo-indet-ish?' Because my mouth had also started to lose feeling.

The angel started to say something but my eyes started to close, and two seconds later I was also dead to the world.

                                                       *--------------A few hours later------------------*

My eyes open, and slowly start to adjust to the lighting in the room. I stand up from the bed I somehow came to be lying on and see Josh sitting in front of me looking out of the window.

"Josh where are we?" I ask him. He turns slowly and faces me. He nods to the window in a gesture that means, look-for-yourself. I look out the window and gasp. It's all fire and lava and no greenery.

"Josh? Are we in-" I start to say but he quickly cuts me off.

"Hell? Yes we are, as far as I can tell. But we will get out of here." He says confidently, even though I can see the fear in his eyes. I sit next to him and snuggle into his side. He wraps his arms around me, as if I'm fragile.

I look up at him. "Josh, what's going to happen to us?"

He looks down at me. Fear flickers across his face, before it turns expressionless. "I don't know but we are going to get out of here."

I believe him.

Hey guys,

I'm finally updating!!! YAY!!! Sorry if it's short, but i can't think of anything to write about. This might be close to the end, or maybe not. Either way, thanks for reading!!!




Adios mi amigos!

Alora loves you!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2014 ⏰

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