Where am I?

13 2 4

Alexis's POV:

I wake up and look around. Where the hell am I? I'm in a place that smelt strangely like a cross between, mildew, sweat and sewer. What a mixture. I'm either in the sewer or in a basement.

 Then the memories start coming back. Josh kissing a mysterious blonde. An offer to kill Shivon. Then I, being the idiot I am, accepted the offer. I remember a mysterious dude then pressing a cloth, that smelt like chloroform, and then there was darkness. 

 "Ahh, I see our little princess is awake. Are you ready for our plan?" The mystery dude asked. He was still hiding beneath a trench coat and the collar was pulled right up to hide his face, and his back was to me. Very old-movie like, wouldn't you think?

"I will agree to it when i know who you are, or at least see your face." I suddenly regretted agreeing to this arrangement. I was hurt and angry, and i jumped into something, I didn't even understand yet.

He slowly turns, but stays in the shadows, so I can't make out his facial features. " Do you really want to see my face?"

I nod my head. "I really do. I obviously won't know you anyway, I'm new here and I don't know anyone."

He steps into the light, and I look at his face. It takes me a moment to see how familiar he looks, then I realise, that is Josh's dad Mitchell. But that5 can't be right, he had died in a terrorist attack, 4 years ago. I let out a gasp. "Long time, no see Lexi girl." He smiles.

"But you're-you-what-how-who- you're d-d-dead. I saw you die. I saw you're body in the casket at your funeral, this can't be happening...." I trail off, still staring at him.

                               ------------FLASHBACK 4 YEARS AGO------------

"Can't catch me, Joshy boy!' A 13 year old me laughed, and ran away from a 14 year old Josh. He caught up with me, and grabbed me by the waist.

" Haha, I caught you!" He yelled out just as my mum and his mum came out.

" Hey Josh,  we're going to get dinner from your father's restaraunt, do you and Lexi want to come for a drive?" We both nod, enthusiastically, 'Go and get in the car then," We both ran to the car, and jumped in.

5 minutes later we had arrived at Mitchell's Restaraunt and Cafe, we bounded out of the car, and ran to the door. We got to the door, and went in. This place never ceased to amaze me.It was an old themed restaraunt and had comfy booths, there was  dim lighting, but it was still a wonderful place.

"Hey look, there's my two best customers in the whole, wide world. What can I get you?' He asks us in his normal cheery tone, our mum's behind us.

"We would like a-" My mum starts, when suddenly the door slams open, and two huge guys barge into the Cafe, holding guns.

"Everybody get down, because I will not hesitate to shoot you. Where's the money?", Mitchell opens up the register as the rest of us are on the floor, "Brilliant, have you got anymore Grandpa?"

Mitchell shakes his head. " I wouldn't lie to me,Grandpa. I know you have a safe around here somewhere."

"I have no idea what you are talking about sir, but that's the only money we have." Mitchell speaks confidentally, but still eyeing the gun up. The bigger of the two guys in balaclava's put the gun up to his forehead.

"Do you still want to fucking lie to me? SHOW ME THE WHERE THE FUCKING SAFE IS, RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!!" The guy not holding the gun pointing at his head, yells at him.

Josh slowly rises. His mother tells him to get back on the floor. H e ignores him. "Let my father go, and I'll tell you where the safe is." He tells the two men. He beckons them closer to follow him, and they start to follow him. "There's the safe, now let my Papa go!"

The guy with the gun lifts the gun up and aims it up at Josh's head." That's not gonna happen punk. Now I'm gonna shoot you, and you're weak-assed father too." Josh looks frightened and I see a burst of movement out the corner of my eye, while watching the scene roll out in front of my terrified eyes. Mitchell has escaped the guy, and tackled him. The other dude has trained his gun on Mitchell.

"Look out!" I scream. Mitchell dodges the bullet and it goes into partner's neck. He dies instantly. They other guy, grabs Josh by his hair and puts the gun to his head. I hear his mother, Melinda gasp.

Mitchell takes a deep breath and starts to head towards his son and his son's captor. There are now silent tears running down his face. The dude raises his gun and fires it twice. Both shots hit Mitchell in the head. The guy grabs the money and flees through the door. Then we hear the siren over Melinda's screaming at Mitchell to wake up, My mum trying to get her to calm down and Josh, just sitting on the floor crying, occassionally mumbling, "this is my fault, this is all my fault."

I crawl over to him, and wrap my arms around him. He melts into my arms and cries more and more soaking the fornt of my shirt. But I don't care.

                                        -----------------END OF FLASHBACK------------------------

"Would you believe me if I said that, that wasn't me? It was one of my buddies dressed up as me, who took over my business while I came here to live and eventually start a new family. You see Melinda was a little slut. She went out every night saying I'm working late.

One night I followed her to tell her that she didn't have work the next day, and I saw her making out with my worker. I left packed up all my things and left a note saying what I saw. I went and crashed at a mate's place and he said about this place, and that he would take over the restaraunt.

That girl that you saw kissing Josh, well, she's a little slut as well. She's Shivon's daughter." 

Well now you've met the mystery dude . He was Josh's dad all this time!!!!!!! I've been updating heaps lately, and that's a good thing, so yeah.  Man, so I think this is the longest chapter I've written and I'm really proud of it I guess... Will josh find Alexis? Or will he not try to rescue her, because of a certain some-one???? So many questions, so little time...........                                                                       

Good-bye my Preciouuuusssssssss..........

Alora x

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