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Alexis's pov:

As I plunge the starshot that Mitchel gave me into Shivon's chest, a scream fills the silence. I watch as the light slowly leaves his eyes, and his last word imprinted in my head. Traitor

I turn slowly and look at a blond bimbo standing in the doorway. She ran over to Shivon's body and started crying while hugging his body close to her chest. I started walking away.

"What?! Isn't it good enough that you stole the guy that I actually began to like, but steal my father's life as well?" The blond thing screeched, and lunged at me. She tackled me and we both fell to the floor. We rolled around and she grabbed my face and raked her nails across it. I flipped us over,so I was on top, and delivered an uppercut to just below her jaw and had the satisfaction as to hearing her groan.

I stood up and looked at her. "You are a disgrace. did your precious daddy know that you were a slut? Did he know that his innocent little daughter wasn't so innocent?",a frown settled on her face, and she looked downwards, "No, I didn't think so." I walked off after saying that.

I walked down the end of the hallway and heard a booming laugh.I walked down the end of the hallway and heard a booming laugh. "Did you really think it would be that easy?" I turned around and saw an angel standing before me. His wings were pitch black.

"I don't know what you are talking about." I mutter, taking slow steps backwards.

" But of course you do. Weren't you the one who just left Shivon laying on the ground to die, after you stabbed him with the deadliest thing known to angelkind?" He says, and adds another laugh.

"I know but why are you here?" I ask him.

"I am here because I am the leader of the Dark Wings. i heard news that some-one had gotten their hands on a starshot to kill their beloved leader... I wonder who that would've been? Oh, right.... You."He says.

I back up further, when suddenly his hands shoots out and grabs my wrist and pulls me towards him. He yanks my head up to meet his eyes, and I look at him. I try to get out of his grasp, but he just digs his fingers in tighter. "Next time you see Mitchel tell him I said hi, and to watch out with his next servants to do his bidding because they might just turn against him." He lets go of my wrist and in a flash of blinding light, he's gone.

I tremble and run out to find Josh. How am I meant to tell Josh that I just killed somebody and had a run-in with a dark angel?

He will be disappointed in me.

I hope I did the right thing...

 Hey guys!!! I updated, FINALLY!!!! I've been really busy lately and I still fit in time to keep you guys updated, so yeah.... This story is turning intense... My fingers have a mind of their own... A smart finger apocalypse hurry run for your life, they will tickle you to death... mwahahahahahahaha...

Toodles Soup....

Alora xx

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