Whispers in the tree tops

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Mitchel's POV: (FINALLY!!!)

I watch my son as he walks away and think that he has definitely grown up from the 10 year old I used to know. I mean obviously, he's taller and his voice is deeper, but I mean he is more out-going and confident. I have had guards watching over him for years, so then Shivon couldn't get to him.

But I guess he doesn't have to be dealt with now, Alexis took care of that. Alexis. She has turned from a shy, outspoken, little girl to a strong young woman, and I'm proud of both of them. Time goes differently in our dimension, it is one hour here to 180 hours on Earth. So I wonder if their parents are worried about them...

I certainly miss my wife and Alexis' parents, who were my friends. I suddenly stop with those thoughts. I haven't thought of them in years, but I still haven't moved on. I don't think I ever will. I wish I could re-do everything that happened back then, when the accident happened, but I can't. I would expose the secret of the angels to my wife who would tell everyone.

I can't think straight at the moment. I stand up and walk to the door. I step outside and decide to go to the waterfall to clear my head. I get there only to realise that there are already two very familiar people there.

There is a female laugh. "Stop it Josh, I can't! I'm not dressed for fall jumping!"

There is a squeal, followed by a splash and then the air is filled with male laughter. "I told you, you were going to go fall jumping. I heard that it was fun was it?" He yells to Alexis who is wading in the water looking up at my son with such love in her eyes.

"Hurry up you have to do it too. Just don't land on me, I don't feel like getting squishified!!!'

"Squishified isn't a word and are you saying I'm fat?!" Josh yells out, sarcastically.

"Yes it is!And yes I am!" Which is then followed by a whooping noise, a splash and a scream.

I chuckle quietly.

"They sure are a cute sight, aren't they?" A voice whispers in my ear.

I turn slowly and look for the voice that seemed to have been coming from right behind me. "Leave them alone. I'm going to try to get their minds wiped from memories that were made here. I will send them home, just leave them alone."

"Now where is the fun in that, my dear Mitchel." The creepy voice returns but it seems like it is coming from my left.

"Where are you? Show yourself you coward!" I yell at the thin air.

"I will show myself in time, but now you have to look afterthose two. they seem very close to each other, we don't want anything bad happen to them, now would we?" the voice taunts, insinuating that something bad is going to happen to them.

"Don't harm them. I will do anything, just please do not do anything to them."

"You can never realise that I am always there. On the training field I am there. In your house I am there. At meetings I am there. I am always right there." The voice whispers right next to my ear,soft breaths tickling my ear.

"Who are you? What do you want?" I ask in a quiet tone.

"I want you to do something important for me, I want you to die in battle, so I am the leader of the angels."

And suddenly I feel the presence leave me alone, standing in the trees above the ground thinking of my soon-to -be death.

Hey guys,

I'm sorry I haven't updated lately!!! I've been really busy lately and haven't had time!!! I know it's a lousy excuse but I'M SORRY!!!!! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!

Anyway read and enjoy!!

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