Angels to fly

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Josh Prescott's POV:

The light it blinds me for a moment then it dims enough for my eyes to adjust. I gasp. Alexis turns around and lays her hand on the wrought iron fence, that we somehow got through when we stepped through the door. I look around and then feel a sudden pang of soreness on my shoulders. I look at the top of my shoulder, only to find a blindingly white wing there. I stare at it in shock, Alexis does as well.

Suddenly, Alexis takes a breath in, closes her eyes, and breathes out slowly. Her wings come out as well. I can tell she is scared as hell though.

"How did we get these?" I wonder, aloud. Alexis starts walking up the grassy track that's in front of us. I grab her arm.

"Where are you going? We don't even know what this place is, let alone where these things came from." Gesturing to my wings.

"Well I'm going to find if anyone lives here, and if they can explain this!" Pointing behind her to her wings. She sets off again, this time with me following behind her

1 hour later.....

"Hey, what's that?!" Alex exclaims. She rushes up to a cloaked figure.

"Um, hi there. I was wondering, have you seen a town nearby, or something?"She asks, hesitantly. The cloaked figure turns around slowly.

"Where do you come from young changelings?" The woman under the cloak asks. She's finally turned all the way around, and we get a good look at her. Half her face is wrinkled, but the other side is just skin. There is no eye, and no lips. I hear Alexis gasp.

"We come from Wyoming," I stutter," Where are we?" Nervously, I wait for her reply.

"You are in Jacksonville, on the planet Pablon. I am Aìne. You must have been transported here from Earth. What are your names?" Aìne asks.

For the first time since we saw Aìne's face, Alexis spoke. I had almost forgotten she was there. "I am Alexis Jamison, and this is Josh Prescott. Why do we have these wings?"

"You are a changelings. Since you have come through time to get here, you have got to blend in with the rest of us." She explains.

"What are we?" I question her, thinking I know the answer before she says it.

"You have changed from humans. You are now immortal. You are angels."

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